how to identify several common diseases-九游会旧版

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how to identify several common diseases
add time:2012.08.22    views:528

in recent years, with the development of pig industry intensive, large-scale, increasing market distribution channels, has some basic control diseases, such as swine fever, swine erysipelas, in pig production have occurred, and there is a spreading trend. swine fever, swine erysipelas, piglet paratyphoid, streptococcus suis and swine toxoplasmosis in these diseases, due to the occurrence of some disease pathogen variation, in the popular process, plus pigs weakened immune level is uneven, cause some diseases in the epidemic process, the symptoms and pathological changes such as atypical changes, often easily lead to misdiagnosis.
first, the characteristics of the epidemic difference
1, also known as swine fever swine cholera or rinderpest, is an acute, febrile and septic infectious disease caused by classical swine fever virus in pigs. the occurrence of this disease is not seasonal. pigs of different breeds, age and sex were susceptible. piglets less than 1 month old were rarely infected, and susceptibility increased gradually after 1 month old. the disease is highly contagious. when susceptible pigs are infected, they cause acute outbreaks, and the first infected pigs die most acutely. both morbidity and mortality are very high.
2, swine erysipelas: an acute febrile infectious disease caused by erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in pigs. occurs in the feeder pig slowly spread. although a year has occurred, but in the hot and rainy season autumn decreased after morbidity. mainly sporadic or endemic.
3, piglet paratyphoid: is caused by salmonella infection of piglets, also known as pig salmonellosis. the disease mainly affects 2-4 month old piglets. seasonal is not obvious, rainy and humid season, often limited to a pig farm, the incidence is not high, popular slow. a variety of adverse factors, such as improper feeding and management, abrupt climate change or long distance transportation, can induce the disease.
4, streptococcus suis: is a group of diseases caused by c, d, e and group l streptococci. newborn piglets and piglets of the highest morbidity and mortality, followed by adult pigs and feeder pigs, less incidence. there is no obvious seasonality in the disease. often endemic.
5, also known as swine toxoplasmosis: toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis or toxoplasmosis. a protozoan disease of humans and animals caused by toxoplasma gondii. susceptible animals include pigs, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits and so on. animals, such as cats and dogs, are infected with toxoplasma gondii and excreted oocysts from faeces. the pigs were infected with feed contaminated with oocysts and drinking water. in addition, the nutrient body can also invade through oral cavity, nasal cavity, respiratory tract mucous membrane, skin and so on.
two, the main symptoms difference
1, swine fever: mainly the sudden onset of fever, convulsions, twitching limbs, skin and mucous membrane cyanosis. there is a large amount of purulent discharge in the eyes and even adhesions of the eyelids. bleeding spots appear in the skin of the ear, limbs, abdomen and vulva. the sick pig has constipation and diarrhea, and the stool often contains mucus.
2, swine erysipelas: easy to be confused with the most acute swine fever, swine erysipelas, but increased body temperature but still have the appetite, force driven squealing, gait stiff or limp, rarely diarrhea. conjunctival congestion, eyes clear and god. ears, abdomen, legs and other parts of the skin of the so-called "branding" rash characteristic.
3, piglets paratyphoid: pigs suffering from acute sepsis and severe diarrhea, pull gray or yellow green stool, with blood or mucus, a fishy odor. in some cases pigs cough. chronic recurrent diarrhea, the temperature is not high. the ears, chest and abdomen skin purpura.
4, streptococcus suis: suffering from swine fever suddenly don't eat. be short of breath, nasal flow of pulp juice. conjunctival congestion, flushing, and bleeding spots, tears. constipation or diarrhea with blood, urine color yellow or hematuria. the lower abdomen, the lower extremities and ears were purple with bleeding spots. some pigs develop arthritis, limp, and cannot stand. some screams or convulsions; ataxia or circle movement or blind walking, or suddenly fell to the ground, koutubaimo, limbs were like swimming, final failure or death paralysis.
5: swine fever, swine toxoplasmosis, streptococcus suis and toxoplasmosis are fever, skin with purple spots and bleeding, dry stool etc.. easily confused. but a pig swine toxoplasmosis difficulty breathing, abdominal breathing. some pigs suffer from coughing, vomiting and runny nose. the surface lymph nodes, especially the inguinal lymph nodes, are markedly enlarged, and the pregnant sows are aborted.

three 、 pathological changes are distinguished
1, swine fever: the whole body skin, serosa, mucous membranes and internal organs of varying degrees of bleeding changes, lymph nodes, kidneys, bladder, spleen, larynx, gallbladder and colorectal mucosa bleeding is most common. the color of the kidneys is pale, with purplish red hemorrhages ranging from the tip of the cortex to the number of millet. hemorrhagic infarct of spleen is characteristic of classical swine fever. the whole lymph node is congested and bleeding, and the section is marble. the larynx and epiglottis have varying degrees of bleeding. there is a hemorrhagic point in the bladder mucosa. the cecum and colon, especially the ileocecal orifice, often have a button like ulcer.
2, swine erysipelas: mainly systemic sepsis and changes of skin characterized erythema. the stomach and small intestine have severe hemorrhagic inflammation, splenomegaly, cherry red colour, lymph node enlargement and kidney congestion.
3, paratyphoid fever: necropsy skin purpura. mesenteric lymph node enlargement.  the liver has yellow or gray white punctate necrosis, dark purple. a common lung catarrhal pneumonia or yellow caseous nodules. the wall of large intestine is thickened and mucous membrane is inflamed. the surface is rough, and there is a necrotic area without size and edge.
4, streptococcus suis: necropsy organs congestion and hemorrhage, pericardial effusion, splenomegaly 1-3 times, dark red or purple black. in cases with neurological symptoms, the brain and meninges are congested and bleeding, the cerebrospinal fluid increases and turbid, and the brain parenchyma has suppurative encephalitis changes. chronic subcutaneous edema of joints in pigs and thickening of cardiac valves.
5, pig toxoplasmosis: necropsy pulmonary edema, lymphadenopathy, hyperemia, hemorrhage, liver and spleen hemorrhage and necrosis. the large intestine, small intestine and stomach have bleeding spots.
four 、 diagnosis method
the laboratory diagnosis of swine fever swine fever virus antigen test, virus isolation and specific antibody examination etc.. the swine erysipelas erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae: available bacterial isolation and identification. the piglet paratyphoid salmonella (hog cholera or swine salmonella typhi) can be used for isolation and identification of bacteria. the disease of swine streptococcus suis: take blood, liver and spleen tissue smear, staining, microscopic examination, can be found in s.. bacterial isolation and identification. the swine toxoplasmosis: lung and bronchial lymph node smear staining, often detection of toxoplasma gondii.
five, prevention and control measures.
the basic principle of epidemic prevention measures in pig farms is to prevent the introduction of sources of infection, to cut off the routes of transmission and to improve the resistance of pigs. carry out the policy of "self strengthening," "all in, all out" and "thorough disinfection".
1, hog cholera epidemic prevention measures: regular vaccination of swine fever vaccine, raising the immune level of pigs. strengthen quarantine and prevent the introduction of sick pigs. strengthen feeding management and disinfection work, regular disinfection, cutting off the route of transmission. at ordinary times, the antibody level of swine should be monitored, and the hog cholera vaccine should be injected according to the titer of antibody. this is an important link to prevent hog cholera. in the epidemic area, the healthy pigs and the threatened pigs should be injected immediately, and the majority of pigs will be protected by the attenuated swine fever vaccine (csfv).
2, measures of prevention and treatment of swine erysipelas: currently used vaccine have swine erysipelas attenuated vaccine, swine erysipelas vaccine and two aluminum hydroxide formaldehyde or triple vaccine 4. once the swine disease occurs, it should promptly isolate the sick pig and treat it quickly. to the best of the best curative effect of the treatment of this disease, followed by a first rice, morninglight honggong xinxin chain, long-term classical etc..
3, the prevention and treatment measures of piglets paratyphoid: domestic vaccine produced by streptococcus suis inactivated vaccine and attenuated vaccine (freeze dried seedlings). the inactivated vaccine or attenuated vaccine should be reasonably used in the epidemic area or epidemic area. the medicine has curative effect on this disease. feed with mycoplasma jing, fed to 4-6 week, can reduce the incidence of this disease.
4, toxoplasmosis control measures: pig regular pest control, prohibition of cats. breeders and other staff should also avoid contact with cats. prevent pig feed and drinking water from being contaminated by cat dung. poison blood mixed feeling qing, this disease has better curative effect.
chuang xin liu teacher

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