pig pays attention to "raise", not "cure""-九游会旧版

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pig pays attention to "raise", not "cure""
add time:2012.08.22    views:561
we in the local practice, to experiment with the method of health care system, the effect is very good indeed, to solve the problem of a lot of pig. as follows:
1, it is suggested that the pig farmers should adopt the principle of self strengthening and self support. if you want to repurchase in the field of piglets, the date of the first injection of efficient and effective agent - xin first rice (oxytetracycline), every three days to the injection of swine fever vaccine, engaged in disease prevention in strict accordance with the local immunization program, not a pig flying needle, a needle, to standardize the operation.
2, take the method of health care pig (not antibiotic health), use balanced nutrition, can effectively enhance the disease resistance of the body, use the principle of nutrition regulation to raise, improve the disease resistance of pigs, and increase immunity. jiangxi chuangxin pharmaceutical group company's free row of toxins, this product is our zhengchangsheng, after nearly two years in hundreds of farms, nearly 10000 pigs in practice, the effect is very good. the pig farms we experimented with were good for epidemic prevention, and diseases rarely occurred.
3, to solve the problem of moldy feed, mainly with jiangxi xin pharmaceutical group company produced mildew clear solution, the effect is indeed better than the general mildew removal agent, the price is relatively low.
4, the pigsty to clean the pig to eat, drink clean water, chaoyang ventilation, to keep warm in winter and summer to summer insect, disinfected.
5, pigs if the disease, conditional, as far as possible to do drug sensitivity test, and then medication, in order to reduce the treatment costs of farmers, but also effectively prevent the abuse of antibiotics.
the above five points do, relaxed pig, comfortable earn money.
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