the spring pig beware of seven kinds of infectious diseases-九游会旧版

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the spring pig beware of seven kinds of infectious diseases
add time:2012.08.22    views:476

spring temperatures sometimes hot and sometimes cold bacteria and viruses, easy to breed, while livestock tend to be thinner, lower resistance to disease, so every spring animal prone to various diseases. there are seven main infectious diseases of pigs in spring-
swine fever。 classical swine fever is also called rinderpest, is caused by classical swine fever virus is an acute, febrile, septic infectious disease, gender, age, different varieties of pigs can be infected with the disease. in the frequent or threatened areas of the disease, the sows should be immunized before or after mating, and the piglets should be free from 20 to 25 days of age, 50 days to 60 days old, two free. in non infected areas, sows should be immunized before or after mating; boars are immunized once every two seasons; piglets are immunized once after weaning. in addition, the piglets can be immunized beforehand.
transmissible gastroenteritis of swine. the disease is caused by transmissible gastroenteritis virus, characterized by vomiting, watery diarrhea and dehydration of piglets within 2 weeks. the mortality rate of pigs under 10 days old was from 50% to 100%. the immune method is to inject attenuated gastroenteritis vaccine to pregnant sows, so that the piglets can obtain passive immunity through their mother's milk.
swine influenza. the disease is an acute and highly contagious infectious disease caused by influenza virus of mountain pigs. regardless of breed, sex and age, the disease occurs frequently in spring, and often spreads suddenly and spreads rapidly throughout the pig population. there is no effective vaccine for this disease. to prevent the disease, we should strengthen the disinfection work in pig house and keep the pig house clean and dry.
piglet paratyphoid. the disease is an infectious disease caused by salmonella, occurring mostly in piglets ranging from 2 month old to 4 month old, and rarely occurs in pigs under 1 months and more than 6 months. in non endemic areas, piglets should be inoculated with paratyphoid and weak freeze dried vaccine. in the epidemic area, piglets from 20 to 30 days old should be immunized with paratyphoid formaldehyde vaccine, and then be immunized 5 days to 8 days intervals.
colibacillosis of piglets. caused by pathogenic escherichia coli, including the yellow scour of newborn piglets (1 day old to 3 day old piglets (see), white scour of piglets of 10 day old to 30 day old piglets, multiple) piglet edema disease (piglets healthy body before and after multiple weaning born). immune yellow scour of piglets, to pregnant sows in prenatal 40 days, intramuscular injection of 2 ml of piglet dysentery agentseedlings; immune method is that white scour of piglets and pregnant sows in prenatal 40 days, oral genetic engineering vaccine, prenatal 15 days to strengthen the immune; immune method of piglet edema disease is on pregnancy the pig sows were injected pigs isolated pathogenic strains preparation of inactivated vaccine.
swine wheezing. the disease, also called mycoplasma pneumonia, is a chronic respiratory infection caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae (mycoplasma pneumoniae), which can occur in all ages, sexes and breeds. the disease pigs showed cough and asthma, and the mortality was not high, which mainly affected the growth rate of pigs. the chest or lungs of piglets inoculated with swine enzootic pneumonia aged more than 15 days of attenuated, for a pig in march ~ april at the age of two are free.
lung disease. the disease is caused by pasteurella an acute, febrile, septic infectious disease, all ages of pigs are susceptible to infection, but the incidence rate is higher in piglets and feeder pigs. weaning should intramuscular injection lung disease attenuated vaccine, breeding in the spring and autumn season two injection of swine fever, swine plague vaccine two.

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