often the winter swine sarcoptidosis-九游会旧版

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often the winter swine sarcoptidosis
add time:2012.08.22    views:529

swine sarcoptidosis caused by scabies mite parasitism in pig skin, skin is red, pustule, crusting, itching. suffering from pig restlessness, loss of appetite, feed loss, harm pig production. the winter cold and wet, poor feeding and management, is conducive to the breeding and pig scabies, decreased immunity, easy to disease.
first, the cause of the disease:
generally, winter pig farms are covered with plastic cloth to keep the heat insulation, resulting in poor ventilation and lack of sunlight. pig hair length and density, especially in barns damp, poor health status, the skin surface of high humidity conditions, easy parasitic mites. studies have shown that scabies in the external environment humidity of 65% deg c 18-20 death 2-3 days, 15-18 days of death at 7-8 c. therefore, scabies is winter in pig production in addition to respiratory disease outside another important disease.
two 、 clinical diagnosis:
resistance is more likely to occur in younger pigs than in adult pigs. from the point of red pustule, eye and cheek and ears and other parts, and then spread to the back and hind leg, with pig itching. according to the onset season, itching, skin lesions and other diseases can be diagnosed, when symptoms are not obvious, you can collect the disease and health at the junction of scab skin, laboratory examination, there is no physical diagnosis of worms.
three, prevention and control measures:
1, strengthen feeding management:
at noon when the light opened the plastic cloth, open the window for ventilation, drying fan. increase the feeding density properly. ensure all the nutrition of pigs.  clean sanitation, strengthen environmental disinfection, use morninglight amitraz solution spraying disinfection pens.
2, regular insect repellent:
for serious infected pigs, especially to do regular insect repellent work. parasites can easily die in cold environments, so winter is the best time to worm them off. we recommend using grams per ton per month for 7 days with a dose of 1-1.5 kg / ton.
3, treatment:
the pig should be isolated in time and injected with 0.2-0.3mg/kg under the skin of a spider mite and injected repeatedly 10-14 days later. powder mixing treatment with albendazole scabies, recommended interval 7-10 days, repeated for 2-3 times, to ensure the insecticidal effect, killing the newly hatched larvae.

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