how can a pig farm practice heat preservation?-九游会旧版

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how can a pig farm practice heat preservation?
add time:2017.02.27    views:465

in the late winter and early spring, the two quarter, because the temperature is low, so the pig is easy because cold stimulation and lead to illness, affecting normal growth, so the pig farms should be good insulation measures, how can the pig farms implement insulation? we are now sharing some insulation measures:
repair pig house
piggery site should be in the high altitude and dry, sunny place, and the fortress live north three west, east window, roof and walls of the gap repair. house windows and ventilation holes should be 1 ~ 1.5 meters from the ground, and can adjust the pore size, in order to maintain a relatively stable temperature.
hang the wind screen
the doors and windows before the winter house covered with plastic cloth, to warm the cold. in the house the wind direction with straw or corn stalks into a windbreak wall or pile of hay to prevent the invasion of wind, wind pig.
to build a house in house to build a house in house in barns, can use plastic film and felt. the plastic film can transparent insulation, felt air temperature gathering, can improve the temperature of 5 deg to 7 deg c. to build a house in the house has the characteristics of less investment and production of simple and quick, but should now be built about 1.8 meters above the ceiling, while left above a ventilation window, timely ventilation.
add padding
add 15~20 centimeter thick sawdust, rice husk and hay on the pig's bed. besides heat preservation, it can also absorb moisture and remove moisture. pay attention to constantly check and renew wet hay, and find that the urine should be removed in time and replaced with hay to keep the pigsty dry and comfortable. at noon when the weather is fine with peracetic acid, or in the litter under quicklime remove ammonia and water, and appropriate separate joint housing estates, to the exclusion of nh3 and moisture.
increase the feeding density of pigs will disperse gregarious feeding, hog heads can increase 30% ~ 50% than in summer, the temperature of heating by pigs can improve the temperature. pay attention to the new pig in the house. it should be done at dark, with wine or a low concentration of water. the pig will be gregarious after the pig, and the keeper should observe for several hours to prevent the pig from fighting. you can also choose sunny and warm days to get pigs out of the sun, strengthen exercise, and improve the resistance of pigs to cold weather.

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