several effective methods of pig production-九游会旧版

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several effective methods of pig production
add time:2017.02.27    views:502

pig house to "pay attention to", choose the terrain dry, chaoyang place built pig house, construction materials are not limited, only require piggery hygiene, easy to manage. the optimum temperature is 16 deg to 21 deg. the growth of pigs, it must have the corresponding temperature control measures; winter house wall, thickened plastic shed, in a cold night in a plastic film with straw, increase the transmittance and the feeding density within the circle to ground mat hay, to ensure that the circle of dry, health every day at noon, when there is no ventilation to open the plastic shed. in the summer season to ventilation, towel gourd, gourd, pig out planting sunflower, grapes, cherries and other plants can also cool shade, shed, water cooling, regular disinfection pens, spraying mosquito killing medicine.
pig improvement selection well developed, robust and lively crossbred piglets were fed by the best selection, landrace, duroc and yorkshire crosses two yuan female pigs and duroc hybrid pigs out of three yuan, which is characterized by fast growth, high lean meat percentage, meat feed ratio. in the weaned piglets were fed for 80 days or so, weighing 60 to 70 kg or more, and then take the insecticide, stomach, feeding and other measures to fatten up 20 days, weighing 90 to 100 kg to slaughter. breeding superior breed boars and sow sows themselves, breeding crossbred piglets and raising their own commercial pigs, which is good for epidemic prevention and disease control, and improves the survival rate of piglets and helps to reduce the cost of raising pigs.
after 60~70 days, two days after the birth of worms, the worms will be given an anthelmintic, gastric lavage and stomach preparation, and then repeated again after two months. according to the method, the first day of insecticide, every 2.5 kg gross weight, 1 pieces of animal feed trichlorifon tablet. insect repellent at 7~8 in the evening, the effect is better. the medicine before meal, let the pig indigestion.  when feeding, first with warm water and dissolved the tablet, mix to make a small amount of feed pigs finished. third days, gastric lavage, baking soda 15 grams (pig reduction), mix feed fed breakfast. to fifth days, and then the stomach, that is, rhubarb soda tablets, according to the weight of 5 kg of 1 pieces per meal, three meals into the feed feed; seventh days to feed leek 1 kg, 300 ml of white sugar, 2~3 times feeding. then start mixing the feed with additives.
feeding time feeding, dry and wet method, that is, dry feed after wetting, softening, feeding, to be fixed and quantitative, daily feeding 4 meals. the softening method is simple and the feed water ratio is 1:1. soaking and softening time can be determined according to the temperature difference. when the temperature is below 10 degrees, it can be soaked 4~5 hours in advance. when the temperature is above 10 degrees centigrade, it is soaked 2 hours ahead of schedule. feeding time, usually require 7:30 a.m., 11:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. feeding. the feeding quantity is 50% of the pig's weight, and the pig eats up to eight or nine to be full. the first feed after a green material, and enough clean drinking water. water shortage can affect appetite, digestion and normal growth of pigs, and reduce feed utilization rate.
feed in pig feed should pay great attention to the balance of various nutrients, the choice of regular manufacturers of good feed, coupled with corn, vegetables and grass for mixed feeding. in order to meet the nutritional needs of the pig, the feed to the mixture, the feed composition is generally 25% ~ 30% flour, corn flour, peanut powder 25% ~ 40% ~ 10%, 8% ~ 20%, 10% thousand melon powder 10% ~ 15%, 50% fish meal, rice bran, salt l%, shell powder 1%. however, according to each 50 kg of mixed material plus 1 packets (100 grams) compound additives, fully stir evenly, after soaking with water, raw feeding.
within 20 days of feeding fattening fattening agent, every day to the pig feeding fattening agent. the formula is: salted fish, soybean meal, soybean meal, 3 kg, 1 kg of lard, sugar, corn, 7.5 kg, tangerine peel, malt 25 grams, 10 grams of the divine comedy. first fry the soybeans, together with salted fish, corn and other materials, and divide them into 20 portions. each pig is fed 1 portions daily, and is fed into the diet 3 times, and fed 20 days later.
in addition to raw material dry feeding soybeans and other minority outside the rest are cooked, raw, every day 4 times, each pig feed amount determined by weight; weight 10 ~ 20 kg, 1.5 kg of feed; weight 20 ~ 35 kg, day to feed 2.5 ~ 3 kg; weighing 35 to 60 kg, 3.5 day feeding kg; 90 kg weight to the day to feed 4 to 5 kilograms.

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