several chinese herbal prescriptions for treating swine influenza in spring-九游会旧版

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several chinese herbal prescriptions for treating swine influenza in spring
add time:2017.03.02    views:498
swine influenza is referred to as the "swine flu", is caused by type a influenza virus is an acute, febrile, highly contagious disease, early spring, late autumn and winter occur in the event. often sudden onset, rapid spread, short course, serious illness, but the mortality rate is not high; if there is no complications, usually 7~10 days that self-healing. there are no specific drugs to treat swine flu at present. several chinese herbal prescriptions are introduced below:
1., xanthium 10 grams, stir fry black, grind the end, mix feed feed.
2., basket, root, dandelion 100 grams, fry water, mix feed feed.
3. onion 62 grams, ginger 31 grams, 15 grams of salt, fried water, a gavage.
4. chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, isatis root 30 grams, windbreak, mint, forsythia each 20 grams, 15 grams of licorice, drink water decoction.
5. honeysuckle, forsythia, skullcap, bupleurum, fructus arctii, tangerine peel, licorice 15 ~ 20 grams, decoction taken orally, two times a day.
6. 10 grams of ephedra, fried almonds 6 grams, ginger 3 grams, 30 grams of sugar, grind for powder, boiling water.
7. schizonepeta, windproof, bupleurum, rehmannia, radix scutellariae, platycodon grandiflorum 15 grams, angelica 12 grams, 10 grams of rhizoma anemarrhenae, water decoction, one dose daily, for 3 ~ 5 days.
8. 31 grams of ginger, garlic 62 grams (mash), pine leaves 120 grams, decoction 2 times orally.
9. sweet basil, mint 5 grams, 15 grams of chrysanthemum, decoction taken orally, 2 times a day.
10., radix isatidis 60 grams, earthworm 15 grams, white sugar 40 grams, water decoct clothes.
11. chinese cabbage lumps 5, mung beans 15 grams, brown sugar amount, water decoction orally.
12. bupleurum, scutellaria root, tangerine peel, fructus forsythia, honeysuckle 15 grams, 12 grams, 9 grams of licorice decoction orally, one dose per day. this applies to the beginning and the middle of the disease.
13. ge gen, forsythia, gardenia 15 grams, sage, cyperus, pollen, honeysuckle 12 grams, 9 grams of dried tangerine peel, radix scutellariae, decoction orally, one dose per day. this prescription applies to the middle and late stages of the disease.
14. weight weight about 50 kg pigs, with schizonepeta, honeysuckle, folium isatidis, radix bupleuri, ge gen, huang ling, clematis, isatis root, licorice, dried ginger 25 to 50 grams, a total of research to fine, mixing and feeding; if there is no appetite, can decoction orally, 1 general agent that is more necessary. second days to take another dose.
15. honeysuckle, forsythia, platycodon grandiflorum 30 grams, mint, schizonepeta, burdock, commeeina fermented black bean, each 15 grams, 10 grams of licorice, fresh reed rhizome 50 grams, add appropriate amount of water decoction, a day orally, one agent, even for three agents (note: the above dose is 1 times the amount. 100 kg pig pig reduction).
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