the four factors that make or break a pig-九游会旧版

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the four factors that make or break a pig
add time:2017.08.15    views:608

in the breeding of pigs, good want to raise pigs, there are four key elements

must be prepared, such as quality of breeding pigs, pig, feed nutrition,

breeding management, will now these four elements in detail as follows:
the quality of pig breeding: in the process of raising pigs, the breed of pig

is the production "machine". its quality directly determines whether it can

make profits, and many pig farmers pay too much attention to price or figure in

the introduction, often leading to failure of the introduction, causing

unnecessary economic losses.
currently, prices at record high levels of live pigs, pig, in the period of

high profits due to the industry market competition is intense, on swine supply

some sell commercial when swine phenomenon, if the "swine" imported from the

pig farms, one is no guarantee quality, at the same time, it may introduce some

diseases, eventually do more harm than good, therefore, the broad masses of

farmers in the introduction of breeding pigs must be comprehensive inspection,

to ensure the quality of swine.
pig farm environment: in pig production process, pig farm environment is

production "workshop". its normal use fixed number of year of swine and high

efficiency, stable production have a vital role, only location scientifically,

reasonable layout of piggery to pig production safety and cultivate high

quality breeding to provide powerful guarantee, therefore, location is

scientific and reasonable is one of the key factors of the performance of the

pig run. if the pig farm is more intensive, the chance of spreading disease

will increase and the speed of transmission will be accelerated, which is not

conducive to the implementation of comprehensive epidemic prevention.
feed nutrition: in the process of pig production, feed is the production "raw

material". it is the basis for producing high-quality live pigs, and provides

safe, full price and balanced diet for different stages of pig nutrition, so

that the production performance of live pigs can be fully played. in the

current market supply of pig feed, appropriate to add trace elements such as

probiotics, improve feed conversion rate, strengthen the body resistance, is

one of the key factors of improving economic efficiency of pig farms.
raising management: scientific and reasonable feeding management will keep the

pigs in good health and ensure their productive potential. there are many

factors involved in feed management, so the management of the feed is also a

"controller" of high quality products.
in short, if you want to make the safe and stable production of live pigs, you

must to produce good performance of hybridization pig as a fundamental, with

high quality, safe, balanced, comprehensive, on the basis of the feed

scientific immune control and enhance the strict disinfection, create a good

comfortable environment for pigs, feeding for scientific and orderly

management, to maximize profit to pig farms, can be in pig career.

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