what should a pig in autumn pay attention to?-九游会旧版

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what should a pig in autumn pay attention to?
add time:2017.08.10    views:680

after the beginning of autumn, from the hot summer to cool autumn, the temperature drops a lot, the pig appetite increases, the fat fast, so for the farmers, autumn is the golden age of raising pigs. but in the fall of more than $5-10 ℃ temperature difference between day and night at this time can bring certain influence on the growth of pigs. so if appropriate measures should be taken, what should the pigs pay attention in autumn?
a, heat preservation
1. to control the temperature of the pig house, the temperature difference between the morning and evening is too large. if you don't pay attention to warm, it is easy for the pig to produce stress.
2. make sure the damp work of the pigsty, so as to avoid the diseases caused by moisture.
3. generally, between 10am and 3pm, the pigpen should be ventilated and ventilated to keep the air flowing.
pay attention to nutrition
autumn is the harvest season, at this time of the pig after a summer of appetite in the autumn of appetite is big, so you should have the appropriate adjustment of feed formula, full price feed add nutritious, high quantity of heat, can ensure the growth of the pigs all nutritional requirements.
3. prevent feed mildew
because the autumn is rainy, the feed is easy to get moldy, so the purchase and storage of feed is the key work.
if the farmers have their own feed ration, they should be careful to reduce the quantity of their own feed according to the pig's condition, so as to avoid mildew.
if the pig full price of purchase, should buy less, easy to store, should avoid light preservation after opening bag, use in time.
once mildew is eaten, it can be poisoned or suffocated by severe lack of oxygen, so preventing feed mildew is a top priority for the pig in autumn.
4. pay attention to the health and epidemic prevention of pig houses
1. the pig farmer must maintain the hygiene of the pigsty, strengthen the cleaning and disinfection work of the piggery, generally clean the enclosure 1-2 times a day, and disinfect one time in 3 days to avoid the breeding of germs.
2, autumn is the season of infectious disease happens, because the temperature is changeable, easy to induce the pig disease, so be sure to do a good job in epidemic prevention key to prevent the pig lung disease, swine flu, swine fever, swine erysipelas, pig pneumonia this 5 kinds of infectious diseases. as the temperature rises in the fall afternoon, you should also pay attention to the cooling work.
make sure you drink plenty of water
it is said that autumn is high and dry and the autumn is easy to dry. at this time, pigs should be sure to have enough drinking water, but it should be noted that the drinking water should be kept clean to prevent bacterial diarrhea.

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