guidelines on diagnosis and medication of epidemic diseases in pig farms (2)-九游会旧版

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guidelines on diagnosis and medication of epidemic diseases in pig farms (2)
add time:2016.12.28    views:725

swine flu and swine flu
clinical symptoms: sudden onset, rapid spread of the whole group. at the beginning of the swine flu, the sick pig lost appetite or not eat, the eye conjunctival flushes, and the viscous discharge from the nose, the body temperature rose rapidly to 40.5-42 degrees centigrade, mental atrophy, cough. increased respiration and heartbeat, and finally severe asthma, abdominal or canine breathing. stool dry and hard development to constipation, urine shortness is yellow. weak limbs, unwilling to act. if the disease, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, red cell body disease, streptococcus disease, the mortality can be as high as 20 %.
and the pig suffers from the cold disease eating less, the spirit is depressed. temperature 40 ℃, nasal flow cleaning stuff. sometimes coughs, ear tip, limb lower hair cool, hair light, big, urine normal. if management is enhanced to reduce secondary infection and mixed infection, improve the conditions of the bars, provide adequate drinking water, and almost no deaths.
classic formula:
plan 1: the treatment of fever with fever and the treatment of 0.5g ceftiazurazide (mixed), fluoxin, injection, and the whole process of feeding the radix agaricus
solution 2: the fever mixed with the treatment 0.5g cefazotiazurate (mixed), astragalus antitoxin, respectively injection, and the whole process feed of the astragalus antivirus
plan 3: astragalus antitoxin 0.5g cefotiazurate (miscible), the other side myotoxic serum, and the whole process of feeding the astragalus toxis
plan 4: astragalus antitoxin injection with amoxicillin sodium (mixed), the other side muscle fluorine asthma, and the whole process of feeding the astragalus toxis
plan 5: astragalus antitoxin 0.5g cefotiazurate (miscible), the other side intramuscular injection chuanxin red arch chain, and the whole course feed is fed to the astragalus epidemic prevention
oral and limb skin, mucosal ulceration series
clinical symptoms: this kind of disease spreads fast, the popular area is wide, the area that develops pig's mouth, shoe ministry appears blister, the occurrence of ulcer, serious heel shell falls off. normal temperature or rise, mental health, loss of appetite, improper or not timely treatment, death rate is quite high.
classic formula:
plan 1: root injection, astragalus antitoxin cephalosporin (mixed), respectively
plan two: astragalus antitoxin 0.5g ceftiazurate (mixed), strong and multipotent, respectively injection
programme 3: fever of mixed feeling with the treatment 0.5g head of ceftiazurazide (mix), cough and rapid treatment, respectively injection
plan 4: astragalus antitoxin injection with amoxicillin sodium (mixed), and the other side of the intramuscular thermotoxic serum
plan 5: laminen injection 0.5g cefotiazurate (mixed), and the other side of the intramuscular injuryxin freezing point
plan 6: astragalus antitoxin 0.5g cefotiazurate (miscible), and the other side intramuscular chuangxin red arch chain
piglets diarrhea, swine dysentery, piglet, yellow and white dysentery, intractable dysentery, gastroenteritis
clinical symptoms: the size of pigs can occur, with the morbidity and mortality of piglets, and the major causes of environmental atrocity, climate change, lack of milk and feed mutation. sick pigs from yellow, milky white, gray paste loose stool, taste fishy, sometimes mixed with bubbles: severe dehydration, loss of appetite, or the symptom such as waste away, hollow-eyed, serious sick pigs anal relaxation, greased pig when piglets struggle and howl, anal outflow of feces; sick pigs arch back, shivering, increase, reduce or not eat eat milk drink, gradually thin, thick coat, tail and hind legs are pollution of excrement and urine, if not timely treatment, the illness is aggravating, died of dehydration caused by collapse.
classic formula:
piglet yellow-white dysentery: plan 1: diarrhea, astragalus antitoxin 0.5g ceftiazurazide (mixed), respectively
plan 2: female offspring, female pig muscle of the myosynovitis 0.5g cefotiazurate (miscible), and the piglets were treated with oral diarrhea
paratyphoid and dysentery of piglets: one: astragalus antitoxin 0.5g ceftiazurazone (mixed), the pup is given to the king, respectively
plan 2: dysentery, fever, mixed with amoxicillin sodium (mixed), injection
infectious gastroenteritis, epidemic diarrhea: plan 1: dysentery, febrile, and 0.5g ceftiazurate (mixed), respectively
scheme 2: the pup pig is guaranteed the king, astragalus antitoxin injection with amoxicillin sodium (mixed), respectively injection, and the whole process mix 10% amoxicillin powder
prenatal and postpartum non-food, post-disease, hypothermia
clinical symptoms: before and after the birth of the mother of the mother of the birth before and after the birth of the mother of the birth of the female pig to reduce the appetite or waste, the abdominal swelling, the stool, such as the ball or the nub, the body temperature is normal or high, gradually attenuated and died. forefinger icicles temperature is normal after disease, depression, a good lie and not willing to move, increase of drinking water, full abdomen expands, the bowel sounds less disappeared, abdomen is touch sensitive, sick pigs appear the symptom of abdominal pain, micturition is reduced, the color yellow. hypothermia is commonly found in old and old, thin anemia, pregnancy, postpartum deficiency of sow sow, also in piglets, with cold season.
the main expression is: the spirit is depressed, the appetite is depressed, even disused, unwilling to stand, the muscles tremble. fever, first with the extension of course, the temperature drops, some even lower than 35 and 36 degrees, short and less urine, yellow or white, stool stem node, some with white mucous membrane, but not swine fever symptoms, respiratory frequency increases, diaphragm breathing, a cough. the skin appears all sorts of different sizes of red spot, red dot, eye circle, anus and so on violet or cyanosis. the sick pig is hypothermia, which leads to decreased immunity, secondary swine dermatitis syndrome, respiratory and reproductive syndrome, and other viruses, bacteria and other infections.
treatment principle: strong cardiac rehydration, increasing energy, antibacterial detoxification
classic formula:
prenatal and postpartum non-food: plan 1: timathiazulyan 0.5g cefotiazurate (mixed), and the other side of astragalus antitoxin
plan 2: miyamoya qing injection with amoxicillin sodium (mixed), and the other side muscle injection of the stomach opening needle
after the disease, no food: the stomach of the needle, the fever mixed with the treatment 0.5g head of ceftiazurazide (mixed), respectively injection
hypothermia: plan 1: astragalus antitoxin 0.5g cefotiazurate (mixed), and the other side of the muscle injection chuxin red bow chain
plan 2: healthy stomach open food needle, astragalus antitoxin injection with amoxicillin sodium (mixed), respectively injection

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