guidelines on diagnosis and use of disease in pig farms (1)-九游会旧版

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guidelines on diagnosis and use of disease in pig farms (1)
add time:2016.12.28    views:814
swine fever syndrome
clinical symptoms: high temperature, the summer temperature is 41 ℃ or so more than (40.5 ℃), loss of appetite, or don't eat, pigs, lethargy, the vast majority of temperature is normal but still don't eat, can't afford to lay down or turn feet, ears, limbs, inner thighs, lower abdominal part of skin redness or cyanosis (some white, some more severe back red), edema, conjunctival redness, tears, diarrhea, constipation, gasping cough and difficulty breathing. there is a reproductive disorder (premature birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, mummification, etc.). after weaning, it is not estrous, and it is often infertile. individual pigs appear to be thin, fecal yellow; my nose is running; the piglets have obvious abdominal breathing.
product team:
body temperature increased by 40.5 degrees: mixed with heat, astragalus antitoxin 0.5g cefazurazide (mixed) respectively
the body temperature increased by 40.5 degrees and the lymph nodes were enlarged: 1: healthy stomach-feeding needle, cough and asthma, and 0.5g ceftiazurazide (mixed) respectively
plan two: astragalus antitoxin injection with amoxicillin sodium (mixed), fever, and treatment, respectively
body temperature rises 40.5 degrees below, the skin is red, have blood point: high heat mixed feeling high definition, toxic blood mixed feeling clear healthy stomach open food needle to inject respectively
the body temperature increased by 40.5 degrees, and there were severe respiratory symptoms: fever, mixed with fever, astragalus antitoxin 0.5 ceftiazurate (mixed), respectively
a mixture of red cell body disease, toxoplasmosis, streptococcus and haemophilus
clinical symptoms: happens at the time of high temperature and rainy summer temperature as high as more than 41 ℃, severe dyspnea, panting, some accompanied by cough, loss of appetite, or asthma, ear, neck, abdomen, buttocks, skin appears to appear red petechia, then cyanosis or yellow; it has white mucous mucus or mucus on the surface, and the urine is gradually changed from dark yellow to brown and even brown, which is called "tea color urine" and "blood urine". some of the symptoms include grinding teeth, munching, unstable gait, lying prone, limbs moving, turning or drawing animals.
treatment principle: antibacterial antiphlogistic, antipyretic analgesic, antiseptic and rickettsia, symptomatic treatment, adjuvant therapy.
product team:
body temperature increased by 40.5 degrees: astragalus antitoxin 0.5g ceftiazurazone sodium (mixed), strong resistance, respectively injection
the body temperature rises 40.5 degrees above, the skin is hot and red, have the blood point: the plan 1: cough and wheezing speed cure 0.5g head of cephalospora sodium (mix), toxic blood mixed feeling clear, inject respectively
scheme 2: mixture feeling with fever, cure chong xin ⅱ (mixed), the other side of the intramuscular injection fluorine xianfang
temperature rise by 40.5 degrees above, have haemorrhage, skin jaundice: astragalus membranaceus antitoxin 0.5 g cephalosporins thiamethoxam cefuroxime sodium (mixed), the other side of the intramuscular injection and hin ⅱ number
the body temperature increased by 40.5 degrees, with the symptoms of lameness: astragalus antitoxin cephalosporin (mixed), and the other side intramuscular injection chuang red arch chain
a single pair of haemophilus disease claudication: astragalus membranaceus antitoxin amoxicillin sodium for injection (mixed), the other side of the intramuscular injection and hin ⅱ number, at the same time, the whole mixing materials feeding, gold stilbene poison, disease resistance
respiratory syndrome caused by various causes
clinical symptoms: sudden onset, difficulty in breathing, some breathing, some dog sitting posture; temperature rise to more than 41 ℃, appetite waste, runny nose, conjunctival cyanosis, mouth, nose, skin redness in areas such as the limbs to cyanosis
classic formula:
respiratory symptoms caused by panting: fever, mixed with fever, 0.5g ceftiazurazide (mixed), cough, and injection
respiratory symptoms caused by pneumoconiosis: fluoxin, astragalus antitoxin 0.5g ceftiazuram (mixed), respectively
respiratory symptoms caused by pig infectious pleurisy: solution 1: fluorine asthma, fever, fever, treatment 0.5g cefotiazurate (mixed), respectively
scheme 2: cough and fast treatment, fever of mixed feeling with fever, plus 0.5g cefotiazurate (mixed), respectively injection
respiratory syndrome caused by a variety of pathogenic infections: one: 0.5g ceftiazurazone sodium, astragalus antitoxin cephalosporin (mixed), respectively injected
programme 2: fluoxin, fever, fever, treatment, and 0.5g ceftiazothiazol (mixed), respectively, and the whole mixture of 10% fluphenicol powder, 10% amoxicillin
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