how do hog farmers properly store veterinary drugs?-九游会旧版

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how do hog farmers properly store veterinary drugs?
add time:2013.06.14    views:532

farmers usually store some commonly used veterinary drugs. however, if the veterinary drug is improperly stored, such as long exposure, high temperature, mixing and damp, it may cause the efficacy of veterinary drugs to decrease, fail, and even cause fatal harm to livestock and poultry. in order to avoid the harm to livestock and poultry caused by improper storage of veterinary drugs, the following work should be done to save veterinary drugs.
moisture proof
a variety of veterinary drugs after moisture, will be moldy, bonding, discoloration, loose, deformed, peculiar smell, and even worms, completely lost use value. some veterinary drugs are very easy to absorb moisture in the air, and after absorbing moisture, it began to slowly decompose into salicylic acid and acetic acid, resulting in a strong acid, the stimulation of the stomach of livestock and poultry greatly increased. in addition, oxygen in the air can oxidize the drug. therefore, farmers store veterinary drugs, whether oral or external medicine, we must pay attention to moisture. containers should be sealed and sealed in bottles and sealed with wax if necessary.
illumination protection
veterinary drugs are mostly chemical agents, the ultraviolet light contained in sunlight often plays a catalytic role in veterinary medicine changes, which can accelerate the oxidation and decomposition of veterinary drugs and deteriorate veterinary drugs. for example, vitamins, antibiotics and drugs, after exposure to light, will make the color deepen, reduce efficacy, and even become harmful toxic substances; epinephrine, nitric acid drugs are also afraid of the sun. in the veterinary shop, we see many opaque opaque bottles, which are meant to keep the veterinary medicine away from the light. by the light of veterinary drug and metamorphism, farmers can take the following methods: the case of veterinary custody light easy change, with a brown bottle or black paper wrapped in glass packaging, to prevent ultraviolet penetration; need to avoid light preservation of veterinary drugs, should be kept in a cool and dry, not easy to direct light local; see light is prone to oxidation and decomposition of veterinary drugs, such as adrenaline, must be kept in an airtight container in the dark. special attention should be paid to the purchase of veterinary drugs when the bottle is brown and blue, should not be replaced, should be kept in the original bottle.
selecting suitable temperature
too high or too low a temperature can cause some veterinary drugs to deteriorate.  therefore, in the storage of drugs, according to their different nature, select the appropriate temperature. for example, when penicillin is dissolved in water, 24 hours after 25 hours, that is, most of the failure; biological drugs such as prophylactic vaccines, which are kept high or low, can cause irreversible reductions in potency. the veterinary medicines which are susceptible to the influence of temperature are kept as follows: room temperature refers to 1 deg c to 30 deg c; in shady or cool places, it means no more than 20 deg c; cold place means 2 deg c to 10 deg c. general veterinary drugs can be stored at room temperature. normally, volatile, decomposed and easily metamorphosed veterinary drugs must be kept refrigerated at temperatures between 3 and 10 degrees celsius.
avoid exceeding shelf life
most veterinary drugs, due to their unstable nature or potency, may deteriorate and fail even when the storage conditions are suitable and time is too long. therefore, more than the expiration of the drug is not only ineffective, and many drugs will produce or increase toxicity and side effects. to this end, farmers store veterinary drugs should be stored in installments and batches, and set up special cards, close to the shelf life of the first use, in case the expiration of expired. if it is found that the storage of veterinary drugs exceeds the shelf life, it should be promptly treated and replaced to avoid the use of veterinary drugs exceeding the shelf life.
avoid mixing
the farmers will mix, veterinary misplacing, easy to cause the wrong drug, or even cause death and injury occurred. storage of veterinary drugs should be done: in medication and drugs are stored; especially disinfection, insecticide, insect drugs, pesticides, poison and other dangerous drugs should not be mixed with ordinary veterinary drugs, so as to avoid the misuse of veterinary drug poisoning; no empty bottles of pesticides, veterinary drugs on rat poison; out of the reach of children to avoid the child, and mentally abnormal the patient at any time to get food. in addition, the purchase of bottles, bags, boxes and other veterinary drugs, it is best to retain the original label, as far as possible with the original packaging. if there is no original packing, it should be placed in a brown bottle, with a piece of paper attached to it, indicating the name of the drug, the usage and dosage, the role of the medicine, and the caution and contraindication. in addition, the date of loading, the date of delivery and the period of validity of the veterinary drug shall be noted. for external use, it is best to write with red label or red pen so as to distinguish and avoid taking orally. name of easily confused drugs, should pay attention to storage, so as to avoid mistakes.
should be cleaned regularly
if the veterinary drugs are not cleaned up for a long time, it is easy to use some deteriorated veterinary drugs when the livestock and poultry are suffering from sudden illness. therefore, farmers should be stored in the home of veterinary drugs often clean, do 2 months to clean up once every 3 months, timely cleared out, expired, mildew, counterfeit, damaged packaging, and veterinary drug label is not complete, supplement to the regular use of drugs.
no littering of expired veterinary drugs
many farmers on the expiration of the remaining veterinary drugs littering, in fact, doing so harm. in case of being eaten by livestock and poultry breeding, will produce phytotoxicity and resistance, increase the cost of farming; they are not naive children and mental patients with abnormal swallowing, seriously affect their health; veterinary drug elimination expired littering, not only pollute the environment, the more serious is some special properties of drugs, such as penicillin and if their own treatment, improper protection or emission of air, may cause allergic accidents, even death; some powder injection drugs will cause skin ulceration. therefore, the veterinary drug which is not worth using should be destroyed completely. it is better to return it to the veterinary pharmacy for centralized treatment.
no bottle stopper
different kinds of drugs should be used differently

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