piglets have just weaned, feed feed needs three to see-九游会旧版

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piglets have just weaned, feed feed needs three to see
add time:2013.03.18    views:544

piglets weaned weight on the growth and development of great influence, but if the feed is too much, easy to cause indigestion, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases; if the material supply, and because of hunger stress affect the healthy growth. therefore, 4~5 days after weaning should be limited feeding, less feeding, frequent tim, feeding 6~8 times a day, and later gradually reduce the number of feeding. the daily feed rate was controlled at about 70% of the original diet, and then increased gradually after 4~5 days of restriction feeding. specific according to the following circumstances, scientific feeding:
look at the ad libitum feeding piglets fed piglets: second immediately to look at the situation in the feed bunk, if the tank is only a little scrap at the end, not into a small pile of powder or granular feed, that the last feeding rate is moderate; if you see the same slot is licked clean and moist, that the last feeding of the time should increase the feeding amount; if the slot is provided with the leftover material, that the last feeding amount too much, this time should be reduced, will remove the remaining material.
see the piglets feeding: fecal defecation status of weaned piglets three days from coarse to fine, from yellow to brown, this is normal feces, feces observation time in 12 ~ 15. the stool soft, shiny, color is when the feeding amount do not increase or decrease; if the circle with a small amount of scattered yellow in the feces, feed particles, the individual pig snatch excess, the feed should be about 20% less than last time; if it is found that the feces mushy, light gray, and there were sporadic yellow, there will be no feed inside dung, this is the sign of all litters of piglets to diarrhea, should be taking a meal. the next meal can only feed half before the second meal ingestion, depending on the circumstances; if you see the circle of most of the stool soft and black, the feeding amount can be restored to normal feeding amount of 80%, then the next meal can be restored to normal dosage; if the stool is paste, green manure, mixed in the fall the intestinal mucosa, to stop two meals, third meals and only small amount of feed at the bottom of the groove, increase the feeding amount gradually, after three days and then gradually restored to constant.
look at the activities of piglet feeding: before feeding piglets heard flocked to the front of the trough, cries constantly, that hunger, can feed feed; feed for about ten minutes, the feed is an empty slot snatch, piglets not back to the nest, the edge of the slot in the crowded around, that can be a material shortage, investment; sometimes in piglets before feeding is not to the slot, and a small and weak, do not panic, not too hungry, can throw some material. after weaning in restricted feeding stage, feed type to be consistent with the lactation, and ensure adequate supply of clean water, the whole restriction period of 7 to 10 days, then changed into day four feeds, and improve immunization, shed regular disinfection, keep dry and sanitary, making it a good living environment.

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