comprehensive prevention and treatment of diarrhea in weaned piglets-九游会旧版

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comprehensive prevention and treatment of diarrhea in weaned piglets
add time:2012.08.22    views:493

diarrhea in weaning piglets is a complex disease group, which is a typical multifactorial disease under intensive pig production. it has high incidence, death, diarrhea rate of weaned piglets in 20% ~ 30%, the mortality rate was 2% ~ 4%. bring huge economic losses to the pig industry. therefore, effective measures must be taken to prevent and control piglet diarrhea.
clinical symptoms and anatomical changes:
weaned piglets diarrhea occurred mainly in l ~ 2 weeks after weaning, peaked at seventh d. acute infection showed good nutritional status of pigs died suddenly died without any symptoms or a short history, ear and abdomen often chenglan purple; chronic often reflect a reduction in food intake, rows of yellow green or pale gray loose stool, rectal temperature is normal, diarrhea tail muscle tremor; late suffering from dehydration, pig spirits no, such as timely detection and treatment, will soon die from dehydration. a dead pig body bloat, cyanosis, intestinal edema and congestion.
etiological analysis and preventive measures:
the 1 reason of digestive function is not perfect, the secretion of stomach acid and digestive enzymes, changes in feed by weaning digestible milk to feed the main plant to digest often can not adapt to the piglets after weaning. at the same time, because of the influence factors in weaning piglets after weaning, 1~2 d antifeedant, eat less, from 2 to 3 when the piglets after d starvation, and a large number of eating, eating short amounts of nutrients in the gastrointestinal indigestion, causing digestive hysteresis, causing diarrhea.
antigen allergic reaction in the diet of 2 piglets on the diet sensitization which can lead to gastrointestinal injury is a major cause of diarrhea in piglets after weaning.
3 stress factors include psychological stress (mother and child separation), environmental stress (temperature and humidity changes in the pig house, bite bucket, etc.) and nutritional stress (from breast milk into feed). piglets after weaning from breastfeeding to weaning platform type ring feeding, sometimes different nest piglets mixed group, the most serious stress is piglets from liquid milk into solid feed. due to endocrine disorders caused by weaning stress caused by intestinal injury, gastrointestinal enzyme level and the absorption capacity decreased, the food is discharged in a form of diarrhea. the sudden change in the weather will cause sudden changes in temperature, the draft will cause cold stress to piglets, will cause diarrhea in piglets.
4 common pathogenic microorganism infection caused by virus diarrhea in pigs with porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus rotavirushepes epidemic diarrhea virus; bacteria were escherichia coli, clostridium perfringens type c, salmonella, hyodysenteriae etc..
5 mycotoxins mycotoxins in feed is often the cause of weaning piglet diarrhea, vomiting, such as bleomycin t 2 toxin. therefore, it is possible to add safe, residual mildew free agents to the feed, such as mold removal.
treatment measures
weaning piglets lack physiological function, poor digestive function, low immune function and poor body temperature regulation, so weaning diarrhea is a compulsory course in pig farms. among the factors that can cause diarrhea, stress may be the most important thing we need to pay attention to during our operations. in order to reduce stress, maintain the "three unchanged, three transition after weaning, reduce weaning stress: three unchanged: the original feed (piglet feed) for 1 weeks to 2 weeks, the original circle (will sow away, leaving the original nest (piglets), the original nest turn population grouping, not easily, and ring tone group three); transition: feed, feeding system, operation system gradually transition.
1, iron, selenium, when the occurrence of diarrhea in piglets, should first consider the use of blood, it can iron, sodium selenite and vitamin e, and the injection of vitamin b12, relieve diarrhea, anemia, a diarrhea vicious cycle.
2 reasonable compatibility of antibiotic drugs in treating diarrhea of pigs have more antibacterial drugs, intestinal zhilishen, solid good antidiarrheal blood powder, polysaccharide interferon, 500 oxytetracycline powder, with 1 pigs in the litter of onset must complete group medication, best combination therapy, so as to improve the curative effect, and can reduce the drug-resistant strains.
3 fluid piglet diarrhea often can cause dehydration, acidosis and electrolyte disorders which lead to death, therefore, the piglets in the use of antimicrobial drugs should be added at the same time, can choose l0% glucose electrolyte solution, oral rehydration salts or intraperitoneal injection. to promote oral rehydration salts and vitamin c growth peptide, because of its convenient use and obvious effect, it has the function of replenishing water, electrolyte, regulating acid-base balance and providing nutrition.
4, regulating the intestinal environment, improving the treatment effect of diarrhea in piglets, the key is to improve and regulate the intestinal environment. chinese herbal medicine should first use of qingwen zhilishen such as polysaccharides of harmful bacteria and toxins with interferon sensitive antibiotics potent intestinal cleaning lygo, add zhengchangsheng and so on, in order to promote the intestinal micro ecological balance, building a good environment.
5 treatment:
1) the frail and critically ill piglets injected the piglets with a weak life needle
2). antitoxin until rehabilitation for serious paralysis cases dester evil dysentery huangqi so far
chuang xin liu feeds

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