tea treatment of bovine stomach atony (rotation)-九游会旧版

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tea treatment of bovine stomach atony (rotation)
add time:2012.08.22    views:612
i. clinical symptoms
to reduce food, especially anorexia (such as feed, silage fermentation feed), sometimes eat only concentrate taste good or fresh forage; ruminant slow, and not natural; fecal dry, dark color, followed by constipation; about 1 to 2 days, appetite waste must not see rumination spirit, highly depressed. if not treated in time, the disease will soon increase, and even cause death. tea can cure the disease.
two, tea treatment
take 150~200 grams of tea and 8~10 kilograms of water. the water to the boil, add tea, soak for 15 minutes, and then boiled for 5 minutes and filtered, houwen a ig. 1 times a day, usually 1~2 times effective, 4~5 times heal.
three, the mechanism of action
according to modern medical research, tea contains caffeine, theophylline, theobromine. caffeine has the function of strengthening the cerebral cortex, and can stimulate the respiratory center, vascular movement center and vagus nerve and so on. therefore, after taking tea, it has the effects of strengthening the heart, diuresis, stimulating gastric gland cells, enhancing gastric secretion and pre stomach contraction, thus promoting the recovery of the function of the anterior gastric movement.
four, matters needing attention
for secondary atony of the stomach, the primary disease should be cured first and then treated with this recipe. rumen fluid of cattle, should be guided stomach, gastric lavage after the use of this treatment. the tea must be warm, cold easily cause diarrhea patient.
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