pig market downturn stage pig and pig management strategy (transfer)-九游会旧版

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pig market downturn stage pig and pig management strategy (transfer)
add time:2012.08.22    views:602

now the pig price is low, some people actually pig voices of discontent. since 2000, hog prices have fluctuated many times, so some pig people living today, and to expand the scale, this part of the farm management measures must be taken in the pork price downturn, against all kinds of risks, make the pig farms smoothly through the difficult period, accumulation the strength for the next peak arrival. here, i will talk about some of my experience and ideas, hoping to help the vast number of pig industry counterparts.
first, increase information communication, and accurately grasp the pulse of the market
market downturn, a variety of variables, the probability of making mistakes is also great. in particular, the recent decline in the market price of pork, the decline in excess of the psychological capacity of ordinary practitioners, at this time selling phenomenon everywhere, further causing market prices. it is suggested that we should increase communication with colleagues, upstream and downstream industries, especially the information communication with scale enterprises and government authorities, so as to increase the amount of foreign information circulation and increase the accuracy of decision-making.
two, talk about the situation, build confidence, increase leadership cohesion, and enhance staff stability
the market is not good, workers first thought of wages, bonuses can cash, the pig farms can survive. therefore, as a leader of the pig farm, we must do a good job of communicating with employees. we will analyze the status of pig farming, analyze the market trend, and establish confidence in overcoming difficulties. with unity and stability of the workforce, is a prerequisite for overcoming all difficulties.
three, correctly and reasonably use feed
feed expenditure accounted for more than 75% of the total pig spending, we first consider feed. when necessary, please ask the relevant professionals to check whether the feed formula is reasonable.
1. nutrition level setting and breed breed of pig to be consistent
although the pig farms are increasing the intensity of variety renewal, there is still some difference between the pig groups, and each pig farm should sum up the feed nutrition level suitable for this pig breed through practical summary.
general experience: the market price of pigs is high, based on the original nutrition level increased 20%, to increase the weight gain of pigs, slaughter early, catch good market; market price of pigs, appropriate to reduce the nutrient level of not more than 20% at most, reduce investment at the same time, the appropriate delayed time of slaughter, to miss the trough (this method combined with the field house empty bar, cash flow flexibility, otherwise it will cause more loss).
2. design feed formula according to feeding stage, calculate feed usage and strictly implement
to do that when swine production plan, setting the feeding stages of feed weight ratio (feed ratio of weight gain) index, according to the weight of various materials, calculate the herd stage was designated management personnel responsible for the supervision of the implementation of production plan, and according to the specific circumstances of the flexible herd adjustment plan, eliminate unnecessary waste caused by delayed refueling the. the following is a batch of pig fattening stage feed use plan:
1 fetal
2 fetal
3 fetal
4 fetal
5 fetal
6 fetal
7 fetal
8 fetal
9 fetal
proportion of whole population
the elimination rate parity
absolute elimination rate
3. feed formulation adjusted seasonally
roughly divided into three stages: spring and autumn, summer and winter. in the summer of sows, fattening pigs feed intake is low, in order to improve the level of dietary nutrient, especially lactating sows added fat, sugar and other requirements, ensure the production potential; according to the winter pingpen temperature increase, the amount of energy feed, improve the utilization rate of feed and feed protein; in between, but especially pay attention to the recovery of sow body condition in high temperature season after nutrition level adjustment is not too early.
4., try to use cheap feed ingredients
such as high-quality rice bran price is about 2/3 of corn and bran, and nutrition can replace 2/3 corn and 1/3 bran, less than 10% of the dosage will not affect the slaughter performance of fattening pigs.
four, improve the reproductive efficiency of sows
the low number of pigs are often sows, through the production of statistical data and field survey, out of these are low efficiency, improve the operation efficiency of pig farms.
culling criteria for sows:
1. reproductive performance is too low, 2 consecutive births of live births in less than 8; low lactation, 28 days weaning weaning weight 40kg below.
2. 3 consecutive periods of infertility or more than 3 love period is not estrus.
3. limb hoof disease permanently or long-term paralysis.
4. mastitis, uterine inflammation, habitual abortion and other diseases are difficult to cure and lose value.
5., the physique is too thin, difficult to restore.
6. dystocia sows after caesarean section.
7. of prolapse of uterus, cacoethes eat aberdeen, gilts not estrus were.
pay attention to the following points:
1. false low yield. in order to complete the production index or other purpose, many farms have concealed the delivery room of piglets born phenomenon, so as far as possible to ensure accurate production data at the same time, to 2 consecutive fetal examination is low yielding sows farrowing.
2. non sows themselves reasons back. special first love period, second love period regular return sows must check boar breeding situation, exclude boar reasons.
3. people are emaciated for rearing reasons. because lactation sow feed quantity is little or lactation feed nutrient level is low, cause a large number of sows to be weaned, emaciated, should appropriate feed a period of affection, cannot rush out.
4., the reserve sows feed pregnant materials or fertilizer too long,

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