how to prevent wasting syndrome in sows?-九游会旧版

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how to prevent wasting syndrome in sows?
add time:2012.08.22    views:560

the sow wasting syndrome, also called nutritional exhaustion, is a metabolic disease caused by insufficient feed or increased energy consumption in the body, resulting in a loss of body mass and a decrease in the body's metabolic level. the disease is characterized by metabolic disorders, resulting in liver fat, protein and glycogen decomposition, serious loss, resulting in malnutrition, muscle atrophy.
1, etiology: the main reason is the low nutritional level of feeding, so that the body nutrition in short supply. especially in large breeding conditions, in order to speed up the breeding, often take early weaning and rapid reconfiguration and other measures to make pregnancy and sow the burden is too heavy, the weight can not recover, then more and more thin, even recumbency. in addition, when a large group of feeding, timid sows, long-term lack of food, has been in a state of hunger, but also prone to such a situation. it is also possible that sows suffer from chronic consumption diseases such as parasitic diseases, chronic digestive disorders, or certain infectious diseases.
2, clinical symptoms: the most prominent symptoms are weight loss, hair shaggy, bones protruding; dry skin, multi chip, decreased elasticity; mucosa pale or reddish, some systemic jaundice; skeletal muscle atrophy, muscle tension decreased key, unable to stand, or lie the ground does not rise to food and drink; to change the normal body temperature; pigs easy to fatigue, forced movement, breathing, sometimes breathing, pulse rate.
3, prevention measures of the extreme failure of the sows, in addition to the supplementary feeding, high energy feed, but also with the ear vein injection of 10% glucose 300 ~ 500ml ~ 20ml, adding vitamin c10, intramuscular injection of long-acting mother offspring antibody, subcutaneous injection of kangfuxin. more valuable sows can also be given intramuscular injection of furosemide, continuous treatment for 7 days. you can also add proper amount of artificial salt and highly purified toxin to the feed. large breeding, found timid pigs, should be separated by a single pigpen. for late pregnancy and lactating sows, especially for rapid re breeding and early weaned sows, timely supplementation should be provided to ensure that the sow needs a variety of nutrients. regular sow worms. in the case of pigs with chronic consumptive diseases, corresponding treatment measures should be taken in time.
chuang xin liu teacher

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