prevention and control of respiratory diseases in autumn and winter-九游会旧版

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prevention and control of respiratory diseases in autumn and winter
add time:2012.08.22    views:519
sterilized and vacant for 7~14 days.
2.3 make reasonable immunization procedures and strictly enforce them, especially for blue ear vaccines. it is better to inject attenuated vaccine to ensure the immune effect. the classical swine fever vaccine suggested that the spleen be taken as a vaccine, such as the pig's liver. when the cell vaccine is used, it should be double used to prevent the immune failure. the development of immunization programs is very simple, only need to consider the local need to make what vaccine immune time recommended vaccine can, because can produce high quality vaccine manufacturers must have a doctor and master a large number of scientific research personnel, we have no need to change the time before and after the conflict, a few days can be adjusted.
2.4, pay attention to disinfection when the vaccine, preferably a pig for a needle, can not do when you want a nest, not allowed to use a needle from beginning to end, it is dangerous. injection should be slow, do not hit the fly needle, leakage of the need to make up an injection, filling a needle may be able to save more than a dozen of the treatment costs.
2.5 regular disinfection, 2 to 3 times a week, three or five disinfectant cycle use, such as iodine, toxic bacteria strains might kill, 100 duxiao, junduging norway, bacteria poisoning, disinfection must first clear dung, ground, walls, railings to emerge as appropriate.
2.6 regular health care, with some anti viral and respiratory drugs, for example
1), turn group at weaning (28 days old) when adding gold dimension growth peptide, astragalus polysaccharide extract powder, xingkang, reduce stress, enhance immunity, prevent the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms.
2) ring virus and haemophilus suis mostly occur at 40 days old. we can add shuanghuanglian extract powder, fluorine qi and so on, and even add two weeks, after the stable, only in the week after the transfer of health care can be.
3), lung disease and infectious pleuropneumonia in more than 60 days of age, this time is also the most exuberant growth of pigs, can be added in the feed maxingshi gan extract powder, for fu, even two weeks after only in pigs stable transfer group after a week to care.
4) of mycoplasma pneumonia and influenza can be added periodically isatis root extract powder, fluorine peptide in feed etc..
2.7 fourth steps to raise wages, optimize staff, formulate reasonable performance, to award less punishment, good high differential removed, let them put in place above the implementation of hundred-percent, human resources and goods is the same, a penny goods, more money brings more profit.
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