autumn disease comes, advance prevention measures-九游会旧版

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autumn disease comes, advance prevention measures
add time:2012.08.22    views:495

many of the species, including infectious diseases, parasitic diseases, diseases of internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics disease disease, nutritional and metabolic diseases and poisoning disease, which is the most serious harm of infectious disease, it is often a large number of occurrence, the incidence and mortality rate is very high, seriously affected the development of pig industry, causing huge economic losses.
scientific breeding, management, and enhance the resistance of pigs
whether the pig is attacked or not is closely related to the individual's specific nonspecific resistance. it is important for the prevention of infectious diseases to strengthen the feeding and management of pigs, pay attention to environmental sanitation, implement strict veterinary hygiene system, and enhance the health of pigs and the resistance to pathogenic factors in the outside world.
at the same time, attention should be paid to feed, clean drinking water, do not feed feed moldy and rotten, bending, quanshe routinely cleaned and kept clean and dry, cold and warm winter, summer heatstroke prevention, and management of clean utensils trough are disease prevention can not be ignored, also is to ensure the basic conditions for the development and growth of pigs and able-bodied, strong disease resistance.
(1) group feeding.
according to the sex, age and nutrition requirements of various pigs, feeding standards and rearing methods are determined to ensure normal development and health of pigs and prevent the lack of nutrition.
(2) to create a favorable growth environment.
keep the pig house clean, comfortable, well ventilated, cold proof, warm and cool, so as to increase the feed utilization rate, protect the growth of pigs and reduce the occurrence of diseases.
(3) do a good job of cleaning, sanitation and disinfection of pig farms, environment, pig houses, eliminate pathogens, and eliminate the transmission factors of the environment.
(4) to strengthen the feeding and management of lactating sows and piglets.
(5) feeding inorganic salts to prevent piglet anemia.
iron, copper, selenium, cobalt and other trace elements are added.
(6) stable feed types and regular ration feeding.
(7) pay attention to the feeding and management of weaned piglets, so as to prevent weaning piglets from diarrhea.
environmental measures
1, adhere to numerous self support, to prevent the purchase of pigs from the field into the disease.
2, buy pigs to epidemic prevention and quarantine.
3, formulate reasonable epidemic prevention plan.
(1) choose the site, reasonable layout.
(2) establishing a epidemic prevention system to prevent the disease from being transmitted to the people.
(3) clean and disinfect the pig house and keep it clean.
(4) mosquitoes, flies and rats.
(5) pay attention to the detection of the epidemic situation and find out the epidemic situation in a timely manner so as to take preventive measures as soon as possible.
4. formulate and implement a scientific immunization program.
the immune procedure is based on the immune status of swine epidemic season and infectious diseases, combined with the specific local epidemic and make vaccination plan; develop immunization program should be according to the local epidemic, disease type and nature, pig antibody and maternal antibody level, and nature, vaccine and use day old pigs so, there may not be a different area, suitable for our different scale, different feeding mode of unified immune procedure.
5, regular insect repellent
(1) drug selection should choose safe and efficient, broad-spectrum, side effects of anti parasite drugs such as worms scabies powder, such as the drug of choice for worm speed grams.
(2) the insect repellent model was used for 20-30 days before the pregnant sow, and the parasite was used once before the mating. boars are treated at least two times a year, but in severe swine farms, 4-6 times a year, piglets 20 days old, once a day, 80-90 days old. before the sow sows, take the medicine once, buy a new pig, worm two times, 10-14 days apart.
6, prevention of poisoning
(1) prevention of severe nitrate poisoning.
(2) preventing potato poisoning.
(3) to prevent mouldy feed poisoning.
(4) prevention of poisoning by cakes, lees, grains, and feeds.
(5) preventing salt poisoning.
6) prevent drug poisoning,
7, measures should be taken to detect infectious diseases
(1) control the source of infection.
(2) cut off the route of transmission.
(3) protect susceptible pigs.
8, change of ideas
(1) the proportion of drug expenses: the disinfectant is larger than the preventive medicine, is bigger than the vaccine, is bigger than the treatment medicine.
(2) veterinary functions: from therapeutic animals to preventive veterinarians to health veterinarians.
(3) the change of prevention and treatment: from paying attention to individual treatment to attaching importance to group therapy to attaching importance to prevention and health care.
(4) heavy treatment and light prevention: change is only cure, but i do not know how to prevent disease.
(5) the importance of the course of treatment: change the symptoms of treatment, that is, the habit of withdrawal, must pay attention to the course of treatment.

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