prevention and treatment of contagious pleuropneumonia of swine in winter-九游会旧版

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prevention and treatment of contagious pleuropneumonia of swine in winter
add time:2012.08.23    views:500

porcine contagious pleuropneumonia caused by actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, this disease is a common respiratory disease in pigs, occurs in the winter, spread rapidly, especially in the 60 kg to 75 kg of pork for more acute fulminant high mortality.
clinical symptom
the most acute type of sudden rise in body temperature is up to 41.5 c, tiredness, anorexia, short-term diarrhea or vomiting, and nasal, ear, eye, and back skin distribution, beginning to accelerate heart rate, and finally heart failure. severe dyspnea and hypothermia in the late stages, bloody foam from the mouth and nostrils before death. the sick pigs died within 24 hours to 36 hours after the onset of clinical symptoms.
acute type, the body temperature rises as high as 41 degrees, skin redness, poor spirit, do not love food, do not want to stand, heart failure, severe breathing difficulties, cough, mouth breathing, dog sitting posture.
subacute and chronic type mostly appear in the acute phase. the temperature of the sick pig rises or does not rise slightly, the appetite decreases, the intermittent cough does not love activities, and the drive often falls behind.
pathological change
the lesions were mainly in the respiratory tract. bilateral pneumonia and lung in leaves, leaf and leaf tip septal lesions, clear boundaries and normal tissue. pneumonia area color is deep, the texture is solid, the section of noodles is fragile. foam, bloody mucus and mucosal exudate were present in the chest, throat, trachea, and bronchi of pigs with acute death. as the disease progresses, fibrinous pleuropneumonia spreads throughout the lungs, leaving the lungs and pleural adhesions so that it is difficult to separate the lungs from the pleura during necropsy. with the size of the abscess nodular type of chronic lung disease on every leaf.
according to the characteristics of clinical symptoms and pathological changes can make a preliminary diagnosis, diagnosis should be done bacteriological examination.
(1) asepsis take bronchial or nasal cavity exudation, pneumonia pathological changes organization, smear, dye, mirror examination, can see many form two pole thick dyed gram negative bacillus.
(2) pathogen isolation: 50% sheep red blood cells on agar plate, and inoculation of staphylococcus inoculated diseases, staphylococcus aureus in the growth process of synthesizing coenzyme a actinomycetes are needed, and outward diffusion into the surrounding medium, the actinomycetes in staphylococci growing around, after aerobic after overnight incubation, the small satellite colony forming beta hemolysis.
prevention and discussion
strengthen management of pig by air pollutants and emission pollution or due to abrupt change of temperature, humidity, ventilation and the incidence of actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae settled in tonsil and adheres to the alveolar epithelium, release of pathogenic toxin. it should clean up feces and dirt timely, reduce harmful gas produced by dirt fermentation and putrefaction on porcine respiratory system damage, reduce the dust diffusion into the air; adjust the feeding density, maintain good ventilation and humidity; strengthen lanshe clean, proper ventilation, keep quiet and balanced nutrition improve the herd resistance.
drug control should be found in time, that is, isolation of pigs, the use of resistance to disease pigs, the emergence of drug-resistant strains, timely replacement of drugs or combined treatment. the commonly used drugs amoxicillin, tetracycline, sulfa, lincomycin, polymyxin and other significant effect. it is recommended to use jiangxi chuangxin company production of morphine injection, according to the dosage of intramuscular injection, with strong resistance by intramuscular injection of 0.1-0.2 ml per kg of body weight, once a day, for 3 days to 5 days.
the vaccine against infectious pleuropneumonia can be inactivated by the adjuvant vaccine of porcine infectious pleuropneumonia, or the autologous vaccine prepared by the local pathogenic strains is used for immunization. methods: the bacteria were inoculated with purified in chocolate culture medium, and then eluted with saline liquid dilution was 5 x 109 / ml, adding 3% formalin, 37 c inactivated 48 hours after sterility test after passing 4 deg c and the refrigerator spare.
chuang xin liu teacher

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