causes and solutions of oestrus in sows after weaning-九游会旧版

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causes and solutions of oestrus in sows after weaning
add time:2012.08.23    views:554
generally 3-7 days after weaning sows can natural estrus, but due to various reasons, large-scale pig farms often part of sows after weaning estrus or estrus is not normal, seriously affecting the economic benefits of pig.
1 frequent causes of oestrus after weaning in sows
1.1 nutrition level: especially in feed, vitamin, nutrition and energy deficiency. in particular, the diets of sows in some farms are low in vitamin a, e, b1, folate and biotin, often causing abnormal oestrus after weaning. the nutritional deficiency of primiparous sows was more prominent in the higher rate of lean meat. according to statistics, there are more than 50% primiparous sows in piglets after weaning in one week sows estrus, and only 20%. excessive weight loss in sows during lactation can lead to estrus delay or lack of estrus in sows, especially in primiparous sows. after one week of parturition, the lactating sows should be free to take food. lactation weight loss after weaning is serious, do not pay attention to flush. after one week of parturition, the lactating sows should be free to take food.
1.2 primiparous sows breed prematurely, often leading to secondary abnormalities of estrus;
1.3, boar stimulation is insufficient: sows left from the boar too far, weaned sows do not deserve due sexual stimulation, induced lack of love, leading to non estrus.
1.4, the temperature and light and lack of exercise; hot summer, when the ambient temperature reached 30 degrees celsius above, the sow ovary and estrus were inhibited.
1.5 feed raw material mildew: the biggest influence on normal estrus of sows is corn mycotoxin, especially zearalenone. the molecular structure of this toxin is similar to that of estrogen. when sows feed on the feed containing this toxin, their normal endocrine function will be disrupted, leading to abnormal estrus or ovulation inhibition.
1.6 ovarian dysplasia: long-term suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, chronic digestive diseases or parasitic diseases of the small sow, its ovarian hypoplasia, follicular dysplasia, resulting in insufficient secretion of hormones, affecting estrus.
1.7 sows have reproductive disorder diseases: swine fever, prrs, pseudorabies, parvovirus, encephalitis b virus, and red blood cell and other pathogenic factors can cause sow deficiency and other reproductive disorders. in addition, sows with mastitis, endometritis and non dairy sows have higher rates of oestrus without weaning.
2 prevention of oestrus after weaning in sows
2.1 physiological regulators use modern prevention, and achieve good results, such as the jiangxi morninglight high free row poison, from prenatal 7~15 day to postpartum 10~15 days, per ton of feed added to 3~4 kg, mixed use; pingpen temperature below 25 degrees, can be reduced to 2~3 kg per ton of feed. on the prevention of postpartum lactation sows lacking disease have better effect.
adding mycotoxin treatment agent 2.2 sow feed, general mycotoxin adsorbent can adsorb aflatoxin, the best selection of some new mycotoxin treatment agent, such as "anti mildew net", comprehensive adsorption of aflatoxin, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, t 2 toxin etc. with toxins, enhance immunity, liver kidney function. in the summer of 2.3 sows should do sunstroke work with ventilation to spray cooling measures, strengthen convection ventilation pig, in order to promote evaporation and cooling, traditional breeding pig piggery doors and windows should be fully open, let the air convection. conditional pig breeding pregnancy homes should be installed drencher cooling system, generally can reduce the temperature of 3~5 deg c temperature. the arbor, built in the stadium on the growth and breeding of pig laying shade net, rinse with cold water at high temperature is high, the pig body or add spray, spray 4~6 times a day; maternity homes of lactating sows had better use water cooling way, drops in the lower neck near the shoulder.
3 measures to prevent sows from becoming oestrus after weaning
3.1, reduce lactation, lactation, the key is to control the feed, nutrition levels and feed intake;
3.2 3 days before weaning due to feeding, weaning to breeding should be short-term optimal feeding aphrodisiac, material volume for the day 3kg 10 days after lactation; sow estrus after weaning is not 3.3, the first three ml intramuscular injection of 3-4 hormone, or intramuscular injection of 1 pregnant mare serum gonadotropin chorionic 250~1000 units gonadotropin 500 units, and closed at the same boar hunting field, general 2~4 day can estrus. may not the estrus conception, then can natural estrus after 21 days.
3.4 supplement vitamin e, a, c, microelement selenium or feed green feed;
3.5 overweight and lean sows adjust body fat;
3.6 sows with reproductive disorders should be treated or eliminated in time.
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