diagnosis of respiratory tract as the main symptom-九游会旧版

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diagnosis of respiratory tract as the main symptom
add time:2012.08.23    views:512

 disease name

clinical symptom

major difference

prevention measures


the body temperature rises to 41 in pigs. 5 degrees above, do not eat, depressed, sometimes mild diarrhea, late dyspnea, showing mouth shenshe, dog sitting posture, the outflow from the nose and mouth foam like pale red secretion, rapid heartbeat, and mouth, nose, ears, limbs, skin is dark purple, often within two days of death, death is not significant symptoms of individual pigs some may turn into a pig, subacute and chronic.

1. body temperature increased by 41. 5 deg c,
2. chest breathing,
3. chronic wasting, severe illness, pig mouth breathing

prescription: morninglight fluoride leica and inflammatory poison chuankening injection.
prescription two: fever and bloodthirsty kang mixed tratch were injected (with high fever)
prevention and treatment: feed adding static and mycoplasma drug powder, call out with polysaccharide for 1 to 2 weeks of interferon.

haemophilus paragallinarum

multiple piglets, pig stage, fever, anorexia, anorexia, unresponsive, dyspnea (cough), pain (by screaming, inferred) joint swelling, claudication, tremor, ataxia, visible mucous membrane cyanosis, lateral, death. after acute infection, sequelae may be left, namely sow abortion and chronic lameness of boars.

1. high fever to 42 degrees
2. anorexia, cough, dyspnea,
3. joint swelling,

prescription 1: bloodthirsty kang poison blood mixed feeling qing, respectively injection,
prescription two: haemophilus kang da, respectively
prevention and treatment: feed with illnesses and scattered, and round blue static mycoplasma strains resistant to 1 ~ 2 weeks of feeding.

atrophic rhinitis

• the sick pig first shows sneezing, snoring, and a small amount of serous or purulent discharge from the nostrils, sometimes with bloodshot rays, and sometimes arches, scratches, or rubs the nose.
• frequent tears resulting in gray or black spots of tears on the skin under the intraocular horn. after a few weeks, a few pigs can be self-healing, but most pigs have turbinate atrophy changes after 2 - 3 months, nasal and facial deformation. severe nasal cavity short or partial to one side.

1. sneezes, severe snoring at night
2. nose and facial deformation toward one side.
3. often shed tears,
4. a tear spot formed on the skin under the angle of the eye.

prescription: qingwenbaidu needle plus long-term classic injection.
prescription two: muscle gland peptide morninglight honggong chain
prevention and treatment: feed with three disease elimination, call asthma inflammation poisonous scattered in 1 ~ 2 weeks of feeding.

lung disease

the body temperature rises to 41 degrees, the spirit of the poor, anorexia, like water, cough, runny nose, throat and neck skin redness, heat, pain, local breathing difficulties, a dog sitting posture, mouth breathing, as the disease aggravated, cough is more serious, a song out of breath, mouth, nasal flow of white foam, course 1-2 day, finally died of suffocation

1. neck swelling and fever
2. extremely difficult breathing,
3. muzzle foam or rust colored mucus

prescription 1: up to coffee
prescription two: morninglight no. 1, qingwenbaidu needle amoxil (mixed)
prevention and treatment: adding high potent, 1 free detoxification lego ~ 2 weeks of feeding in feed.

pig pant

the disease begins with a short, continuous cough, with a small amount of clear nose, and a gray, viscous, or purulent nasal mucus. asthma symptoms occur in the middle of the disease, breathing times up to 60~80 times a minute, showing obvious abdominal breathing (abdominal fluctuation), cough at this time less and deep. later asthma, even gasping, like a bellows like, with wheezing, and lethargy, loss of appetite or waste away, losing weight, wool thick chaos, stunted growth, disease program sustainable 2~3 months or more.

1. abdominal breathing
2. loss of appetite, mouth breathing, dog sitting posture
3. chronic dry cough

prescription: a failure of lianhuaqingwen lethal and intramuscular injection of tylosin huang
prescription two: high blood chain speed and strength with polyclonal antibody treatment
prevention and treatment: feed adding heavy kechuanning and mycoplasma static 1~2 weeks of feeding.



metastrongylus elongatus

the sick pig has paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, anemia and emaciation. often transported by larvae into pathogens, often complicated by influenza and viral pneumonia.
in the posterior lobe of the lung diaphragm, some grayish white ridges are formed, and a large number of filamentous worms are often found in the bronchi prior to opening.

1. cough and asthma
2. large numbers of filamentous worms are often found in the bronchi
3. often associated with influenza and viral pneumonia

prescription: clear intramuscular injection of worm mite
prevention and treatment: adding high free detox powder, 1 worms scabies ~ 2 weeks feeding feed.





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