diagnosis of digestive tract as the main symptom-九游会旧版

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diagnosis of digestive tract as the main symptom
add time:2012.08.23    views:488

disease name

main symptom

major difference

prevention measures

piglet huang baili

yellow dysentery mainly occurs in suckling piglets within 3 days old. yellow dysentery is characterized by diarrhea and yellow stool. begin fecal such as paste, and later develop into dilute to yellow diluted water stool, often by the anus out of thin stool, rapid weight loss, dehydration, failure, death. 10-20, diarrhea occurred mainly in piglets. huang baili was caused by pathogenic escherichia coli diarrhea characterized by excretion of milky white or gray white pulp pasty feces, feces bubbles, special stench, such as for several days, then coat with no light, conjunctival pale, cold, stiff pig after.

1. yellow dysentery is a suckling pig within 3 days
2. yellow dysentery, yellow liquid stool
the 3. is the 10--20 day old piglets diarrhea
4. white milk white or grey white pulp pasty

prescription: stop dysentery and enteritis qixiao vast dysentery intramuscular injection of oral.
test prescription two: xin xin ke ke and cefotaxime mixed intramuscular injection
test side three: baby pig, life king
the same service "mu mu zi zi milk", and at the same time by adding "rehydration salts"; adding "zhengchangsheng material".

piglet paratyphoid

acute type often occurs in piglets before and after weaning and often dies suddenly. the pigs showed symptoms of sepsis, fever, lethargy, anorexia, dyspnea, late diarrhea, ears, chest and abdomen skin purpura. the course of disease is mostly 1~4 days, the incidence is low, but the fatality rate is very high. chronic type is a common disease type of the disease after infection, the symptom is lighter, slightly elevated body temperature, lethargy, loss of appetite, gradually, growth, often stacked together at the beginning of the disease, constipation or diarrhea later, rows of gray yellow green with loose stool, blood or mucus, with fishy smell. some pigs cough. the course of disease is 2~3 weeks or longer, when diarrhea occurs and stops, the fatality rate is 25. ~50%, the diseased pig will become a stiff pig with poor growth, and still be able to bear and kill bacteria for a few months even if it recovers.

1. a slight rise in temperature
2., a month or so piglets pull yellow green stool as the main feature
3. stool with blood or mucus, with a foul odor
at the beginning of the late 4. constipation diarrhea disease

prescription: morninglight no. 1 and cefotaxime amoxicillin mixed injection
prescription two: effect of the vast and dysentery morninglight fluoride leica injection.
by adding: "the vast bulk of blood dysentery" feed; serious added solid intestinal zhilishen polysaccharide and interferon fed to 1~2 week.



coccidial dysentery

the main symptom is diarrhea.
in the later stage of the disease, according to the severity of the disease, the feces of the diarrhea can be yellow, grey, green or red. common dehydration, consumptive constitution
weanling pigs and growing pigs grew slowly. thin stool. excrement occasionally carries blood

more than 1. were born piglets or nursing pigs
the sanitation in the 2. column is too bad
3., diarrhea is yellow, similar to yellow dysentery, but common dehydration
4. thin stools. excrement occasionally carries blood

test one: three red bow chain, muscle gland peptide injection
prescription two: enteritis dysentery and diarrhea effect of intramuscular injection of vast stop,
prevention and treatment: feed with red bow chain cures and polysaccharide interferon fed to 1~2 week.

piglet edema disease

eyelid edema, face, neck, ear edema. swine disease early dispirited, anorexia, body temperature of 38.6-39.5 deg c, conjunctival congestion, inactivity, instability of gait; then excited uneasiness, appetite waste away, foaming at the mouth, voice hoarse, shallow breathing, allergic reaction, blindly forward, nose against the wall, as a circular motion, ataxia, stand when the arch back ground shaking; then convulsions convulsions, muscle tremors, swimming like paddling limbs constantly wu. if it is forcibly expelled, towering hair back arch, rear swing, gait, drag, and accompanied by rapid heartbeat, tachypnea, unresponsive, sensitive skin, touch scream, oliguria or urine much less diarrhea constipation; the last breath is extremely difficult, the temperature dropped to 36 degrees celsius, coma and died.

1. severe edema of eyelid
more than 2. piglets were born before and after weaning
3. body temperature 38.6-39.5 degrees centigrade
4. less urine or no urine, more diarrhea, less constipation;

test side 1: edema fast, kang and poison blood, mixed feeling qing, respectively injection
prescription two: game nemesis and qingwenbaidu needle injection respectively.
prevention and treatment: feed add bai li jia, 10% amoxicillin powder and immune interferon banliao 1~2 weeks.


swine dysentery

the most common symptom is diarrhea with varying degrees of occurrence. usually the first soft manure, yellow change, thin stool, mixed with mucus or blood. the severity of the defecation was red paste, there are a lot of mucus, blood clots and purulent secretions. some have grey, brown, or even green, mushy dung, sometimes with a lot of small bubbles, mixed with mucus and fibrous pseudo membranes. pigs like drinking water, lassitude, anorexia and abdominal arch back, dehydration, curling, swing, walking with hind legs kicked belly by wool thick chaos without light, rapid weight loss, late fecal incontinence. around the anus and the tail roots are contaminated by feces, stand up feebly, die extremely weak. most pigs have normal temperature. chronic illness, mild symptoms, more mucus and necrotic tissue debris in the stool, longer duration of disease, progressive weight loss, growth arrest.

1. adult pigs were frequent
2. the first pull soft stool, pull the stool
3. most pigs have normal temperature
4., the disease is longer, progressive weight loss, growth arrest.

prescription: a vast and miraculous dysentery morninglight fluoride were injected leica
prescription two: morninglight no. 1 and cefotaxime amoxicillin mixed injection
by adding: "the vast bulk of blood dysentery" feed; serious added solid intestinal zhilishen polysaccharide and interferon fed to 1~2 week.

winter dysentery (infectious gastroenteritis)

the typical symptoms of sudden onset, frequent vomiting, watery diarrhea, yellow green or white stool, with rennet, undigested foul stench; fast dehydration, less than two week old piglets with high morbidity and mortality. the sick pig was extremely thirsty, apparently dehydrated, and lost weight quickly. 10 day old piglets died in 2-3 days, growth retardation was few pigs, and even become stiff pig

more than 1. occurred in winter and spring
the size of 2. pigs were made, and few pigs with vomiting
3. feces foul stench; fast dehydration,
4. piglets have high mortality,

prescription: morninglight no. 1 and qingwenbaidu needle injection respectively.
test recipe two: the bane and the muscular peptide are injected separately
prevention and treatment: feed add bai li jia, 10% amoxicillin powder and immune interferon banliao 1~2 weeks.


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