the mountain of mountain-九游会旧版

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the mountain of mountain
add time:2010.08.16    views:585

  endowment brook mountain floating point is of great enlightenment by a has to invest in hainan hong kong-invested fixed point and the full investment, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan, has invested 250 million yuan, in order to ensure the season can also achieve drift, special construction of the reservoir, is a scale for the emerging tourist spots.
  at around 12:00 noon, we arrived at the rafting service area of the county of zixi county by station wagon. after dinner, we exchanged the electric bottle to the point of departure. but for a few minutes, the verdant mountains of the mountains were standing before us.
  the canyon was deep and deep and winding. the cliffs of the two sides of the strait, the ancient trees. it was a journey down the river, but it was a deep pool of rapids. but then it turned again. there was always a "misguided" companion who had not chosen the route, and even lost his fellow shipmate, and the little kayak was unable to stop, so it was a cry. there are bold, brave faces rushing forward to enjoy the joy and excitement. it's a real scare.
  where there is a torrent, there is a secluded valley. the valley is always green, the water crystal clear, cool and unusual. the dangerous peak, the rock, the ancient trees, the blue sky, the white clouds reflected in it, bringing people into the oil painting. the clear mountain and the long river are very beautiful. it should be said that "people follow the landscape, heart to the picture."
  i'll paddle into another stream gouges where whole pieces were missing, and boy, have a gap in 2 meters, rafts in collision around deep pools, suddenly was thrown into another 3 meters gap between mountain stream, mm frighten exclaim 1, livid. as early as it was ready, the raft hit the rocks again, and we were unscathed, but the raft was in a lot of water. at this time, there are many rafts in the stream, and some of the companions are breathing and exchanging the experience of the canyons. one thing is clear: when the rafts are sliding down into the stream, there must be a certain amount of time between them. otherwise, the next raft will be buckled to the top of the previous one, and the consequences will be disastrous. after the event, a pair of colleagues were knocked down. the raft drifted down the canyon stream.
  i'll paddle near a stream gouges where whole pieces were missing again, estimate and four meters gap, mountain stream is narrow, water flow out of cyclotron, after thinking on how to out of the woods, rafts have stumbled into the mountain stream, the paddle the detours in the ravine, always inseparable from take out in a vortex, if don't fall off quickly falls below the whirlpool, treat the rafts down, don't be rafts buckle. then the safety officer on the shore stretched out a bamboo tree and pulled us out of the whirlpool and out of the whirlpool. one step difference will be knocked down.
  at this moment, i truly experience what is "like the abyss, like walking on thin ice"!
  we made up our efforts to drift into another stream. wow! another seven or eight meters in the deep ravine, fortunately, a lot of the lot of the lot has already used cement to pour into the slide, the raft will only hit and run down the mountain stream, there is no danger. our raft was once again sliding into the ravine, and the mm was scared to close the eyes. at this time, we have more than a dozen rafts parked in a mountain stream of tens of square meters, and we are glad to be part of this big group. suddenly someone with a scoop on our water, turned out to be a raft on the water-sprinkling festival, i used his quick wits to undo the helmet, dozen have a water fight, the stream of experienced so many risks waters, everyone is so bright, excited.
  finally, the raft drifted to the service area of the lake where we had arrived. the tourists who arrived at the early stage were taking pictures of the shore, and my heart was still hanging. i looked at the stream of streams and streams in the valley, and the roaring streams ran down, and there were still rafts struggling in the rapids. the staff told us that the canyon creek, which is about 3.5 kilometers long, is a hundred meters away, which can be called "china's first drift".
  drifting happy over, can drift process but let me a long aftertaste, so life is not a trip, have the rapids, have deep pools, a vortex, to hold the center of gravity in the jet stream, be patient in the deep pools, must be careful in the vortex, can grasp the "four hearts", your life must be happy!

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