frequent pig fraud! how should the farmer avoid?-九游会旧版

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frequent pig fraud! how should the farmer avoid?
add time:2017.03.06    views:530
recent animal husbandry was not performed with farmers signed agreement that farmers suffered serious losses, pig trading fraud incident is also a continuous fermentation, hubei farmers due to the pig oral promised to sell "golden master", and promised to finish the remaining money in a pig after thinking, after the "golden master" disappeared. farmers report in the public security bureau to help farmers recover 600 thousand pigs, now users of this kind of thing is the sale of pigs suffered fraud it is often seen. more or less have met, and related news broke online there;
here's a look at the pig sales encounter fraud this thing, what is the net friend say?;
see netizens to the things, one-sided said encounter fraud are caused by the greed, you don't need to explain what the greedy, is not himself a reason, do not think about why so many people are a group of people met?
may have been selling many of them are pig play money to sell a pig, after all, if the pig sold more words still need a lot of cash, people can not accept the pig back with a big bag of hundred dollar bills to go below the closed pig every day, not easy to say, if the watch is not in place but also easy to lose, and also not safe, after all received pigs were themselves earn not much money.
from the perspective of farmers, a small amount of pig trading of course is paid in cash, in large quantities will need to pay the remaining part of the back section of the pig hit each other on the card or next time to collect the pig to bring is often happened, but this closed pig people are generally more familiar, often accept the pig in a region, and the farmers are more familiar with this business months and years pass by. trust may be quite strong, and as a general farm, you do not ask what people slaughtering enterprises what kind of price to take your pig? and some farmers do not think so, as long as the sale of their own expectations of the price can be, who is his pipe away? but even people who are not familiar with can credit money away this pig, also be assured?
the average person will say, do business, two times, but cooked to what extent? just stay to know what he looks like is the rich "gold lord"? how much do you know about other criminal records or past and other relevant information? for the above said pig trading fraud, what are the solutions?!
first of all, pig farmers should give up their greed.
there is a saying so, "fat man is not a breath to eat out, and the rich also rarely have overnight wealth, all day long, month tired precipitation.". we all know that pig farming is not particularly easy, not only to make feed enterprises farmers money, slaughtering enterprises also rely on profits from the farm, after at least 6 sows farrowing months pig to sell, feeding, and epidemic prevention and other various processes one can not be less, will not appear all sorts of problems, so that the pig people fuck broken heart, so make the need to pay their own is perfectly logical and reasonable this demand, but in such a foundation, but also to avoid the greedy.
take farming profits for it, a large pig pig farmers, perhaps more than earn a little, but not more than many, and there is a large number of pig slaughter a batch of pigs more, pig varieties is relatively superior, usually three yuan pig, pig received uniform loading away some unnecessary trouble, less time and energy; and the backyard is different, the number of pig slaughter less concentrated, some pig breeds there, to the price of three yuan for soil miscellaneous pigs to sell, if you receive as a pig will agree? when selling pigs, let oneself not lose money, and reasonable profit is better, otherwise, a few pigs can more than others have much money, reality?!
second, pigs are best sold to some familiar acquirers.
although business deals with strangers, it is now known that acquaintances are good. this closed pig after all can often come into contact with, also know too much, say what a pig you earn a lot of money is not realistic. after all, hog trading is the thing you want me to buy and sell, and if you buy it, you don't have it next time.
then people would be best to pay cash, otherwise it would not sell, so familiar to the people received a pig again, have at least 6 months long pig was also afraid to raise a few days? it is best to leave some familiar closed pig people's information, then the call in advance of pig slaughter, sell pig news issued, there was a hand in money pig, eliminating unnecessary trouble and effort. pig farmers selling pigs usually money to buy pig feed or something else, in a few days it will have an impact on the farm operation is possible, or pig farms to meet no rice situation how to do.
the last is as pig people, it is better not to think about the way some crooked ways get rich, be punished by the law as a prisoner. of course, for this pig arrears also broke the 8 year online, ningbo yinzhou district qiuai town old man because his father died before the money owed 5 pigs, 60 years old. the debt, the money will be handed over to the joint-stock cooperative economy 6000 yuan for safekeeping.
let's praise the eight old men!
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