beware of piglet exudative dermatitis in loose or small farms in spring-九游会旧版

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beware of piglet exudative dermatitis in loose or small farms in spring
add time:2017.03.04    views:538
swine exudative dermatitis, also known as "skin disease of lard", is a highly contagious infectious disease characterized by fatty exudation of the skin, exfoliation of the epidermis, formation of small vesicles, and crusts on the surface of the body. the disease is more common in cold and wet winter season, suckling piglets and weaned piglets multiple, usually sporadic or small mass in pigs, especially farmers or small scale farms were more common, often due to poor environment, housing simple, raising feed nutrition is not comprehensive and easy to induce, large and medium farm disease rarely occurs.
the lard skin disease mainly infects the suckling piglets and the weaned piglets (5-35 day old piglets are more common), and the adult pigs also have slight infection, and the 1 day old piglets can also occur. piglets due to fight bites, cut teeth, tails, strict wear caused by the wound, may lead to dermal exposure, caused by bacterial infection. although the incidence is not high, once the outbreak of the disease, the incidence of piglets is high, and the mortality rate, disability is also high, even if the tolerance, the growth rate of piglets will be seriously affected.
the clinical symptoms of france
the diseased piglets begin to flush and look like the palm of the hand, or hot water. pigs appear depression, loss of appetite, at normal temperature, one to two days after the micro yellow blisters the size of 2~3 mm in skin flushing, swine have low moans and special stench, the temperature rises to 40 deg ~41 deg.
with the extension of the course of the disease, the size of the pig's skin varied and the exudate flowed out. in a few days, the piglets will itch, shake their ears, touch their mouths with their forelimbs, and rub on walls and fences. because of fluid seepage and hair disturbance, the damage to the skin is slower than the scab, especially the abdominal position.
in the middle and late stage of the disease, serious exudation occurs and feels sticky when hand touches. the formation of skin brown scab, dirt dust pens, scab is gray black, like a lump of coal body in piglets. at this time because of pain and fever in piglets feeding reduced more checkerberry.
dermatitis is first seen in the eyes, face, lips, ears, neck and very soon to the abdomen, legs, hairless areas, buttocks, limbs proliferation, forming erosion, and then scab.
drug sensitivity analysis of france
at present, being studied natural pathogen of piglets infected skin disease include staphylococcus, staphylococcus, and pig staphylococcus is one of the main reasons causing pig pigs exudative dermatitis. the antimicrobial susceptibility of these two pathogens is as follows [zhang yuyu, 2011]:
we control measures
(1) strengthen the nursing of newborn piglets
at present, the limit bar feeding sows a serious lack of movement, resulting in the production process is too long, piglets born poor activity, coupled with the domestic scale pig farm technology, equipment, personnel, most of piglets were "extensive" production at the time of birth, leading to a further decline in vigor. therefore, the piglets born after using the correct production five steps for delivery, the specific approach is to keep the umbilical cord attached to the rapid towel dry mouth nose mucus and body, and then the rope after disinfection by ligation of the umbilical (forbidden from umbilical cord, pull pig) into the insulation insulation, after being dry (about 5~10min) to pigs eat enough colostrum, then cut teeth, tails, castration (born after 6h), intramuscular injection of 0.3ml, blood velocity times for vitamin 1.5ml health, rapid recovery of piglets vitality, avoid infection.
(2) strengthening wound care;
cut the umbilical cord, cut teeth, tails, ears, knee wear, castration, fight bite, facing all kinds of wound infection in piglets. to cut teeth, tails, castration these can not avoid the wound, specification of each operation link, pay attention to strict disinfection, tools reduce wound, timely health care work in piglets.
for knee joint injury, limb hoof wear, turn group fights, should pay attention to chanchuang sharp position should be treated promptly, producing mattress sacks reduces wear and tear tape wrapped wrist turn bar after the piglets, feed bags can be placed to attract attention to pigs, preventive measures. if there is a wound formation, wound treatment agent spraying wound, vertical spray three seconds, once a day; a serious wound or infected pigs, the intramuscular injection rate times of treatment, 0.1ml/kg body weight, once. if more crusts are encountered, the piglets can wash away the crusts with warm water, and then apply the rape seed oil or other oils added with sensitive antibiotics to the diseased parts.
(3) strengthen the nursing of sows
reduce vertical transmission of sows. sow prenatal 20 days cough add new 1kg/t, 10-14 days, to purify the body pathogen; adding fubai 1kg/t, for 7 days, to conduct a comprehensive insect. when sows give birth, adopt "routine midwifery six words tactic" and "emergency midwifery six words tactic" carry on midwifery, reduce the difficult labor, shorten the birth course, and raise the vitality of the piglet. sow postpartum gongyanjing enrofloxacin timely support qing palace, reduce the incidence of postpartum endometritis and not eat. and after 7 days postpartum, as much as possible to increase the intake of sows, increase milk. in addition, we can add "500g", "500g" and "1kg" to improve the quality of milk and improve the quality of milk.
(4) keep the environment clean
piglet immunity is poor, very sensitive to the surrounding environment, vulnerable to infection and injury. therefore, delivery room must do all the "into", "out", for thorough cleaning and disinfection. and in the sow in the delivery room for general cleaning, cleaning is also carried out to sow prenatal and postnatal cleaning and chanchuang, after the cleaning must be kept dry and dry. attention to pass
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