dehydration is the biggest challenge of piglet weaning-九游会旧版

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dehydration is the biggest challenge of piglet weaning
add time:2017.06.06    views:608

after weaning the piglets into the nursery, the first thing to learn is to drink water. however, due to the transfer of stress, environment and the stranger of the company, the first drinking time will be delayed. without prevention or intervention, the dehydration of this condition can cause severe growth suppression for piglets. dehydration, however, is the biggest challenge for piglets. a large amount of data shows that only 51 percent of weaned pigs can drink water within 25 hours of weaning.
the body of the piglet is 70% water, which is very important for nutrition. therefore, the raising staff need to ensure that weaned pigs can drink and eat in time. in addition, the intake of piglets in the first few days after weaning was positively correlated with the amount of water. it turns out that the sooner the weaned, the earlier the piglets, the better the growth performance of 40 days after weaning.
so, how can ability let weaned pig to drink in time, eat?
1. provide adequate water
in theory, a weaned pig needs 0.3 gallons of water per pound of feed, or 0.7 gallons of water per day for piglets. to ensure that the piglets drink enough water, at least every 10 young pigs need to provide a water fountain. in addition, water quality, temperature and flow rate should be tested before supplying water to piglets.
in addition to ensuring sufficient quantity of water fountain, it is necessary to ensure that water flow is sufficient. in general, the water used for the conservation of pigs and hogs should be maintained at 1 pint per minute, and the pigs should maintain 1 quart per minute.
take precautions when weaning
since the new environment, the peer group and the group stress can cause the piglets to be weaned after drinking, the corresponding measures should be taken to solve the problem. a syringe is used to feed the piglets with electrolytes to help them through the transition. electrolyte can improve the growth performance of piglets after weaning for several weeks. supplementation of nutrients such as sodium, chlorine, magnesium, vitamins and acidizing agents can maintain the health of the intestines of piglets and ensure their normal eating and drinking water after weaning can play a significant role.
the effects of different drinking water on the growth performance of piglets were compared in one experiment. the treatment group used electrolyte water to determine the water consumption of 3.748l / 24h; in the control group, the water consumption was 836 ml/ 24h. therefore, it is necessary to provide electrolyte water in the 5th to 7th day after the weaning of piglets. only in the early stage of weaning can the drinking water quantity guarantee, can promote the later growth better.
preventive measures in other cases
disease and stress can also lead to dehydration. pigs can be dehydrated by a series of transshipment groups, diseases and vaccinations. one manifestation of piglet stress is diarrhea. severe diarrhea can damage the balance of electrolyte and water in piglets, further harm small intestinal villi, and ultimately reduce the absorption and absorption of piglets. when the piglet has stress diarrhea, the supplemental electrolyte has a good adjuvant effect. because of the nutrients in it, it can help piglets adjust the imbalance of the body quickly and improve the growth performance. in any case, it is important to ensure adequate drinking water.

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