the pig farm eliminates the method of sow sow, what kind of sow should be eliminated-九游会旧版

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the pig farm eliminates the method of sow sow, what kind of sow should be eliminated
add time:2017.04.12    views:505

in the process of pig production, the ultimate goal of farmers is for the sake of profit, but in recent years due to rising cost of pig and human costs, to maximize improve the economic benefits of pig farms, will produce poor performance of the sows in time must be eliminated. there are a lot of pig farms, the elimination of the unobliterated, resulting in the pig farm unprofitable, the dead work hard work but in exchange for a year to the end of the sigh, not worth the loss. under normal feeding conditions of pig farms, the production performance of sows will decrease obviously with the production of more than 6 pigs. this kind of sow needs to be eliminated normally.
so in the production process, which kinds of sow must be eliminated?
1. a sow that has no estrus, suffers from repeated infertility and low birth rate
after the reserve sow grows more than normal weight and age, the sow should be eliminated as soon as possible. because some of the gilt reproductive system congenital dysplasia, or late due to the improper management, the harm of mycotoxin and the influence of certain diseases, causing swelling or shrinking tube and ovary and the hogs raised just a waste of feed, won't have any economic benefits, should be eliminated; for the third time, the sow must be eliminated because the non-production days of the sow are too long, which wastes both the feed and the human cost, and fails to produce economic benefits. in addition, if three consecutive production tire are below 8 head of the sow must be eliminated, some sows is influenced by genetic factors, congenital such rate is low, the pigs produce economic benefit is very low, should be eliminated.
2. sows that have been infected with viral infections
as is known to all, swine fever, high fever syndrome, such as pseudo rabies, this some kind of disease is very difficult to cure, although healed in vaccine can solve some problems, but its performance will be reduced largely, become poisonous pigs in the farm, constantly to the environment, detoxification, again will give sickness to piglet after production, and this kind of disease is very easy to relapse, so must be eliminated.
3. a sow suffering from severe breast inflammation
although this kind of sow can be cured, however, its lactation quantity is not too high after cure, and piglet is very easy to have diarrhoea and so on disease, should be eliminated.
4. sow with endometritis
this kind of pigs weaned often repeatedly with infertility, besides endometritis is difficult to cure, even seemingly curing breeding success the farrowing rate is not too high, basically do not have the value of treatment, so must be eliminated.
5. sows with limb disease
this kind of sow in the later pregnancy due to the poor bearing capacity, it is easy to happen to the prenatal or postpartum paralysis, during the estrus also cannot be normal match, so must be eliminated.
6. fat or lean sows
the reproductive performance of the sow can be affected by the weight of the body or the over-thinness. if the control of the feedstock is not improved, it can be eliminated in time.
7. sows without antibodies
pig farms after the injection of swine fever vaccine, to monitor swine fever antibody, no antibodies to sow, there is still no antibodies after immune sow again, must be eliminated, because there are some pigs, how many times of swine fever vaccine injection after it won't produce antibody, the pig stay in pig farms after the meeting with infinite, so must be eliminated.
8. pregnant female pigs
the average sow is more than 6 years old, the production performance will decline, and the update will be phased out in a planned way to keep the basic sow group alive.
female pigs with bad genetic genes
some sows are genetically influenced, with only three or four piglets per child, and such sows will be phased out in a planned way. including the mother pig milk water bad, the bite pig, the difficult childbirth, the postpartum paralysis, even the sow that the appetite poor also wants to plan to eliminate.
the main criteria for the elimination of sows - investment is greater than output.
the sow has affect the economic benefits of pig farms, no breeding value, must be eliminated in time, in a planned way, cannot hold "it'll be fine" mentality, the longer, the greater the loss.

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