the price of pork has rebounded slightly, but the short-九游会旧版

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the price of pork has rebounded slightly, but the short-term lack of positive support has a great re
add time:2017.03.21    views:519

on march 20, 2017, the average price of a pig in the whole country was 15.80 yuan per kg, up by 0.04 yuan per kg compared with yesterday's price, which was 0.02 yuan/kg from the same time last week (march 13). a total of 27 provinces and municipalities directly under the central government have raised the price of pork in 19 provinces. the highest price in the country is yunnan, up 0.06 yuan/kg at 16.82 yuan/kg yesterday. the lowest price in the country is heilongjiang, up 0.05 yuan/kg from yesterday to 14.67 yuan per kg. gansu was flat with yesterday.
parts prices today: sichuan 8.1 8.4 yuan/kg, 7.5 7.8 yuan/kg, henan jiangxi 7.7 7.9 yuan/kg, 7.9 8.1 yuan/kg, guangdong, hunan, 7.9 to 8.1 yuan/kg, 7.7 7.9 yuan/kg, shandong hubei 7.9 8.1 yuan/kg, 7.5 7.8 yuan/jin, hebei, beijing 7.6 7.9 yuan/kg, liaoning 7.2 7.5 yuan/kg.
currently live pig prices have dropped to 15.60 yuan/kg, although farmers increase resistance and pressure rised bar, but no difficulty, slaughtering enterprises collect pig interacting, willingness, did not see prices steady rise signs, constantly low movements;
starting from the fifth week 17 years hog prices fall into the situation to the first ten weeks pig average price has dropped to 15.99 yuan/kg, compared with 16 years in the same period fell 2.51 yuan/kg, with 16 years prices low 15.92 yuan/kg is only the gap only 7 cents!
the price of pork has rebounded but the short-term lack of positive support has been a big drag
the price of pork rebounded slightly over the weekend and local areas remained volatile. difficulty slightly rised because farmers pressure bar, corporate takeovers, interacting, slow, but at present the market demand is weak, slaughtering enterprises quantity difficulty, raise pigs will weaker, prices lack the support of good fatigue, rising short-term prices are expected to give priority to with shock adjustment.
data show that pork prices continued downward, but piglet is not affected by its price, has continued to edge up into 17 years, and 16 years in winter to spring, 17 years piglet no large-scale outbreak, the late piglet supply will gradually recover, the price will fall.
according to the above situation, it can be inferred that there is still room for profit in 2017, but it is unlikely that the price of pig breeding should be up to 16 years.
for the current situation of rural farming in china, are an integral part of the big trend is transforming to intensive, large-scale, small range will exit the market gradually, and mass breeding proportion will gradually increase, prices will also tend to be stable operation, the feed cost, pig management will become the core competitiveness of rural farm, so mind pig farms, reduce cost, developing characteristic is za rural farmers way out!

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