rural farmers have raised subsidies for new welfare farming-九游会旧版

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rural farmers have raised subsidies for new welfare farming
add time:2017.03.15    views:530
in recent years, the country has been pushing rural scale planting, and invest a great deal of support, in terms of raising livestock can get different levels of subsidies, especially in this year's pay more and more attention to the rural environmental protection and subsidies will further improve livestock. rural farmers will receive new benefits, which can receive up to 800,000 yuan
environmental protection in the rural areas, the state in waste management, housing construction and renovation, and so on all farms subsidies for great, for housing subsidies to 45 yuan per square meter, and to build gas pool to enjoy each square meter 200 yuan subsidy, with the strength of farmers will also offer certain farming subsidies, these policies to a certain extent, improve the rural environment. rural farmers will receive new benefits, which can receive up to 800,000 yuan
and in such aspects as special farming subsidies will increase subsidies, such as pig, in accordance with the amount of live pig market can get subsidies in the range 200000 to 800000, such as waste treatment and have special subsidies pigsty construction and so on.
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