doxycycline hydrochloride-九游会旧版

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doxycycline hydrochloride

generic name: doxycycline injection
english name: oxytetracycline injection
chinese pinyin: tumeisu zhusheye
[main ingredients] doxycycline.
【 traits 】 this product is yellow to light brown and yellow transparent liquid.
[pharmacological action] broad-spectrum antibiotics. the positive bacteria of staphylococcus, hemolytic streptococcus, anthrax bacillus, tetanus clostridium and clostridium difficile were stronger. it is sensitive to gram-negative bacteria such as escherichia coli, salmonella, brucella and bacilli. this product has inhibitory effect on the recluse, chlamydia, mycoplasma, spirochete, actinomycetes and some protozoa. after intramuscular injection, the peak time is 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the injection site and volume. when doxycycline is absorbed, it is widely distributed in the body. it is mainly used in the primary form of the renal tubule to remove the excretion, and when the renal function is obstructed, the excretion is slowed down and the half-life is prolonged.
【 indications 】 used in the treatment of sensitive gram-positive bacterium and negative bacteria, rickettsia, mycoplasma and other infectious disease, pasteurella disease, escherichia coli disease, brucellosis, anthrax, salmonella disease, etc.
[usage and dosage] using doxycycline. intramuscular injection: one dose, 1kg of weight, livestock 10 ~ 20mg (potency).
[adverse reactions] 1. local stimulation. 2. intestinal flora disorder. 3. influence tooth and bone development. 4. liver and kidney damage. 5. cardiovascular effects. anti-metabolism.
[note] 1. after injection, the horse can produce gastroenteritis and should be used with caution.
2. serious adverse effects of liver and kidney function are not used in this product.
3. lactating cows and sheep are banned.
the day of the medicine: cows, sheep and pigs.
[specification] 10ml:2g(2 million units)
10mlx10 / box.
storage: shade, airtight, preserved in cool dark place.

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