berberine sulfate injection-九游会旧版

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berberine sulfate injection

[main ingredients] berberine sulfate.
【 traits 】 this product is yellow transparent liquid.
[indications] apply to infection or mixed infection caused by various sensitive bacteria:
1. piglet yellow dysentery, dysentery, red dysentery, watery diarrhea, diarrhea after weaning;
2. intestinal infection of piglets infectious gastroenteritis and bacterial dysentery;
3. streptococcus suis disease, edema, paratyphoid and secondary infection;
4. diarrhea and diarrhea of young animals, such as lambs, calves, foals, etc.
[usage dosage] intramuscular injection: one dose, 7 days old suckling pig 0.3 ~ 0.5ml/head; weight of 1kg for every 1kg of piglets for 7 days of age; usually injected 1 time, the second day of the intensive care 1; adult livestock cattle, horses, sheep and pigs each 1kg weight 0.1ml.
there is no regulation.
[note:] this product has a unique effect and is not required to be used in conjunction with other drugs in the treatment of these diseases.
don't overuse it.
don't give the medicine an intravenous injection.
in cold precipitate crystallization, the former immersion in hot water, the hard shake, dissolved into a clear liquid and cool to the temperature.
the pig is 28 days old.
specification: 10ml: 0.2 g.
packaging: 10ml x 10 / box
storage: avoid light and seal preservation.

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