the poison-九游会旧版

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the poison

polyvidone iodine solution
generic name: polyvidone iodine solution
english name: povidone
chinese pinyin: juweitongdian rongye
[main ingredients] iodine
【 traits 】 this product is a red-brown liquid.
[pharmacological action] this product causes death by releasing free iodine and destroying the metabolism of pathogenic microorganisms. it is an efficient and low-toxicity antiseptic and has a good effect on bacteria, viruses and fungi.
[use] used for surgical site, skin and mucosal disinfection.
[usage and dosage] the povidone iodine meter. skin disinfection and treatment of skin diseases: 5% solution; milk cow nipple; solution: 0.5% ~ 1% solution; the mucous membrane and the wound surface were developed with a 0.1% solution.
[adverse reactions] : no adverse reaction was observed at the prescribed dosage.
when the solution becomes white or yellowish, the disinfection activity is lost.
the animals are banned for iodine allergy.
should not be compatible with mercury drugs.
there is no need to make any.
[specification] 10%
packaging: 500ml/bottle
storage: shading, seal, storage in cool place.

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