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[veterinary name] generic name: flubenini injection
[main ingredients] flubenini test.
【 traits 】 this product is a colorless or yellowish transparent liquid.
[pharmacological action] : the pharmacodynamics of antibacterial spectrum and antibacterial activity is superior to similar products, to a variety of gram-positive bacterium and negative bacteria, mycoplasma were significant, the respiratory tract pathogen, hemolytic and kill pasteurella, haemophilus, pleural actinobacillus, streptococcus pneumonia, dysentery bacteria hayes, salmonella typhi, klebsiella pneumonia bacteria, e. coli and other highly sensitive.
pharmacokinetics: rapid absorption of internal and muscle injection, high concentration of blood medicine, wide distribution, long half-life, long effective concentration and high bioavailability; it is mainly excreted by kidney and excreted from urine.
this product is made up of experts, which truly reaches the "root and root".
[a] broad spectrum, quick effect, long-term effect. the lord is used in the respiratory diseases of livestock and poultry, effectively relieving high fever, fighting exhaustion, and restoring appetite.
1, pneumonia, spirit is depressed, appetite decrease or disappear, fast and weak pulse, cough and difficulty breathing, temperature is up to more than 40 ℃, breathing sound change coarse, lung auscultation have then, nasal stick out silk liquid.
1. infectious pleural pneumonia: the pig is suddenly developed, the body temperature rises, depressed, anorexia, cough, dyspnea, and frequent heart failure; the disease often causes sows to abort and stillbirth.
2. asthma: cough and breathing are the main symptoms. show the obvious abdominal breathing, shortness and hard, serious mouth panting, spirit withering, reduce appetite, body became thinner, thick fur, walking back arched, slow pace, xi lie to the cold.
3, lung disease (commonly known as "mad lock throat" or "swollen neck blast") : body temperature can rise to 41 and 42 ℃, breathing difficulties, mouth breathing, a dog to sit, short, dry cough and gasp the visual mucosal hyperemia, eye inflammation of the conjunctiva and purulent gum. the chest and forelimb edema and red spots appear in the skin of the neck, abdomen, and extremities of the ear.
4, vice haemophilus pig disease, swine fever, temperature rise to 40.5-42 ℃, spirit is depressed, unresponsive, loss of appetite, or don't eat, cough and difficulty breathing, abdominal breathing, heartbeat is accelerated, surface skin redness or pale, blue ear tip, palpebral subcutaneous edema. female pigs showed miscarriage and maternal behavior decreased.
5. control the mixed infection and subsequent infection of multiple pathogens and reduce the incidence of other diseases.
6. it is also used for secondary infection of high-induced blue-ear disease, variant blue-ear disease, mild swine fever, and complications of concurrent failure and deficiency of the body.
[usage dosage] intramuscular injection: at one time, each 1kg weight, cattle 0.04~0.05ml, pigs, sheep 0.08~0.1ml, dogs, cats, rabbits, and poultry 0.15 ml.
oral: use this product every 5ml of water 5kg for drinking water.
[tips] 1. this product should not be used in conjunction with doxycycline, tymmycin, rice and so on.
2. piglets and piglets will be injected 1 times after stable and effective control of stress-related diseases.
[adverse reactions] cattle can sometimes have short anorexia, drink less water, and recover after stopping.
[caution] 1. use of pregnancy and livestock reduction.
2. kidney function not all animals should be reduced or extended to drug interval.
3. horse species should be used with caution
pig 14, chicken 28.
[specification] 5ml: 1g of fluphenol
[package] 5mlx10 / box
storage: sealed.

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