lactate ciprofloxacin injection-九游会旧版

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lactate ciprofloxacin injection

name of veterinary drug: lactate ciprofloxacin injection
veterinary prescription
ciprofloxacin lactate injection
chinese pinyin: rusuan huanbingsheye
[main ingredients] lactate ciprofloxacin.
【 traits 】 this product is colorless or almost colorless transparent liquid.
[pharmacological action] antibiotic. this product is suitable for all kinds of infectious diseases caused by sensitive bacteria and mycoplasma. it is mainly used for chronic respiratory diseases, escherichia coli, infectious rhinitis, avian pasteuritis, avian typhoid, staphylococcus disease, piglet yellow dysentery, piglet, white pear, etc. intramuscular absorption was rapid, and almost all tissues and fluids were distributed, and the concentration of the drug in tissues was higher than that of blood concentration. metabolism in the liver, mainly through the kidneys. the half-life of intravenous administration is shorter than the half-life of intramuscular injection.
【 indications 】 used for livestock and poultry bacteria and mycoplasma infection, such as swine mycoplasmal pneumonia, pasteurella disease, escherichia coli disease, salmonella disease, streptococcus disease, actinomycetes pleura pneumonia, mastitis, etc; the skin, respiratory tract and urinary tract infection caused by sensitive bacteria of dogs and cats.
[usage dosage] to ciprofloxacin. intramuscular injection: one dose per 1kg, livestock 2.5 mg, poultry 5mg.
intravenous injection: livestock 2mg, twice a day, 2-3 days.
[adverse reactions] 1. degeneration of the cartilage of young animals affects bone development and causes claudication and pain.
2. the reaction of the digestive system is vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, etc.
3. the skin reaction is red, itchy, urticaria and photosensitive reactions.
4. dogs and cats can see allergic reactions, ataxia, seizures.
1. this product should be kept out of light when the light is easy to change color.
2. this product is not applicable to horses. intramuscular injection has a sexual irritant.
3 this product does not apply to dogs of 8 weeks old.
4. there are latent excitatory effects on the central system, inducing seizures, and the dog with epilepsy.
5. animal and kidney function of the animal is careful to use, but the occasional crystallization of urine.
6. the drug resistant strain of this product has an increasing trend and should not be used for long-term use in subtherapeutic dose.
egg-laying chicken is banned.
[take the medicine period] n. 14, pig 10, poultry 28, and the abandonment period 84 hours.
[specification] 10ml: ciprofloxacin 0.5g
10mlx10 / box.
storage: shade, sealed and preserved.
[approval number] veterinary drug (2012) 140092769
[implementation standard] "veterinary drug national standard (chemical medicine, chinese medicine volume)" first volume
[license number] (2011) veterinary drug production certificate 14009

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