cold fluid, let the sows cool instantly and relieve heat stress-九游会旧版

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cold fluid, let the sows cool instantly and relieve heat stress
add time:2017.08.01    views:717

after the summer heat, the whole country is in the hot barbecue mode, and this year, june, the hot weather will last longer. small make up every day in our institute wechat psy application platform, the background and the pig can see a lot of pig group of friends to discuss consulting related problems such as thermal stress, heat stroke, swine, especially with pregnant and maternity ward, the sow is particularly severe heat stress. miscarriage, more stillbirth, the difficulty of sow production, long production, etc.
so, in summer especially at noon the temperature is high, how to prevent and solve the mother pig heat stress effectively, let the sow rapid temperature drop? in addition to the usual measures to cool the pigsty, the cooling fluid can also help the sow to cool down rapidly.
summer in the refrigerator frozen layer (5-8 ℃) for some normal saline and glucose, between 11 pm to 3 points in production of sows in temperatures above 27 degrees, out of intravenous infusion, protective noon heat stress of sow production, can make the sows rapid cooling, greatly ease the symptoms of heat stress.
recommended infusion scheme:
the first bottle: 500ml of saline solution and lincomycin hydrochloride injection solution 30ml vc20ml;
second bottle: 500ml of glucose, plus multivitamin b20ml mig 30ml.
the cold liquid rapidly cools the body through the blood, and the heat stress symptoms can be alleviated only 3-5 minutes after the pig is used, which is the fastest way to cool the heat stress.
in the case of heat stroke, this method can be used to quickly relieve the symptoms of heat stroke and prevent the pigs from sudden death.
american soldiers on the battlefield in iraq also use the coolant cooling method to cool down the cooling water and supplement the salt with water.

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