scale pig farm common diseases chuxin pharmaceutical drug regimen-九游会旧版

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scale pig farm common diseases chuxin pharmaceutical drug regimen
add time:2015.01.10    views:710

prices have already started slowly into the turmoil of the era, farmers first experienced roller-coaster boom collapsed, memorable is 2014 years after the biggest deepest losses in recent 15 years. indeed, there are no regrets in the world, we only have the easy response to the market, to recognize the true and true pigs is the truth, friends, let's cheer together!
1. diarrheal diseases
needle 6 choose 1
1. take orally in piglets
2. sodium sulfadiazine sodium
3. chuxin 1 abdominal injection
4. lethal injection of dysentery and dysentery
5. long effect hydrochloric acid doxycycline injection
6. epidemic diarrhea: gene polypeptide dysentery
powder (1000 kg)
product features: 4 drugs in oneness, mutual benefit and efficacy, effective and effective
bacterial diarrhea, e. coli, rhododysentery, swine dysentery, and colitis
1. xinkang 500g (5 packs) entertaxin 1000g (10 packs) nwite 300g (3 packets) dysentery storm 1000g (2 packets)
glucose 5kg gold weikang 500g citric acid 18g potassium chloride 150g drinking 1 ton
ii. respiratory diseases
needle 5 choose 1
1. powerful multi-resistance side for the injection
2. powerful multi-resistant anti-inflammatory cough and asthma
3. powerful multi-resistance side plus the legend of breathing and breathing
tetracycline hydrochloride
5. cephalosporin, on the side of the cephalosporin powder
powder (1000 kg)
product features: target direct direct lesion absorption rate up to 95%
plan 1: bacterial viral respiratory tract infection coughing and pant white body weight reduction
1. 300g (3 packets) of fufu (3 packets) ginkgo extract powder 300g (3 packets) flutch 300g (3 packs) inflammation of 300g
plan 2: it is highly effective for persistent respiratory syndrome
thisitis is treated as 500g, 500g, 500g (5 packets) maxing powder 300g (3 packets) thai myxin 200g (2 packets)
3. circle, blue ear, and haemophilus
needle 2 choose 1
1. astragalus antitoxin ceftiazur, bloodthirsty kang
2. injection of gene polypeptide prior to the injection of emergency vaccine
powder (200 catties)
product features: the raw material is purified and the microcapsule is treated with the new process
symptoms: multiple spots in the pig body, deep blue, blue and purple patches, rising body temperature, swelling of the joints, coughing and breathing difficulties
1. yan bing 100g nwete 100g tifo 100g astragalus polysaccharide paste 200g
the double - yellow paste powder 300g astragalus polysaccharide extract powder 300g drinking 1 ton
flu, flu
needle 2 choose 1
1. astragalus polysaccharide injection amo vanguard injection
2. fever and mixed with ceftiazi
powder (1000 kg)
product features: new raw materials of chinese traditional chinese medicine extract effective absorption 1 day of effect
symptoms: a cold, a running nose and a cough
1. fluch 1000g(10 packets) jin qi. the antivirus resistance 1000g(1 pack) little chai hu 1000g(1 pack)
the double yellow lianhe extract powder 300g (3 packets) astragalus polysaccharide extract powder 300g (3 packs) drinking 1 ton
needle 2 choose 1
1. one side of chain fungus and one side of amor
2. the new toxic mix is clear, vc b12 side
powder (1000 kg)
1. the original net 500g inflammation of the bow was 500g
6. attached to red cell body
1. high blood chain speed cure side strong multi-resistance side
powder (1000 kg)
1. the liconin 1000g inflammation will be treated with 500g no anti - blood wormless 1000g
7. toxoplasma
needle 2 choose 1
1. haemophilus injection new toxic mix
2. hot toxic serum fever mixed with fever
powder (1000 kg)
the net 500g inflammation of the bow was 500g no anti - blood - resistant g 1000g
eight, pig and dan poison
1. acne clear penicillin (large dosage)
powder (1000 kg)
1. the golden sores of mild disease 1000g (1 pack) xinkang 1000g (10 packets) liconsu 1000g (2 packets)
9. paratyphoid
1. chuhxinflura
powder (1000 kg)
1. fluoric 500g (5 packs) dysentery storm (2 packets) 1000g
10. edema
needle 3 choose 1
1. constant effect of antibody fever mixed with fever
2. edema quick health
3. sodium methoxypyrimidine injection
powder (1000 kg)
nwete 500g (5 packs) dysentery 1000g (2 packets)
eleven, pig health care
product features: the danish animal nutrition association provides the core technology, safe and efficient, improve the immunity
fresh piglets - long transportation - bad weather - recovery after illness - health care first choice
double - yellow paste 500g (5 packs) inflammation of 500g (5 packs) jin weikang 1000g (1 pack)
glucose 5kg gold weikang 500g citric acid 18g potassium chloride 150g drinking 1 ton
12. female pig antepartum does not eat, hypothermia
1. prenatal and postpartum kang cefotiazur, long-acting female antibody
13. efficient removal of external parasites
product features: compound ingredients are more broad-spectrum and safer
1000 catties of material
the mite powder of the worm was 500g and 500g

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