chuang xin's "prevention and treatment", i hope i can help you-九游会旧版

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chuang xin's "prevention and treatment", i hope i can help you
add time:2014.05.22    views:812

veterinary drugs are used to improve the production of livestock and poultry, and are used to prevent, control and treat diseases, insects, and diseases of animals,
promote the healthy growth of aquaculture, improve the disease resistance of animals and improve the environment of the culture of the material. the safe use of drugs in breeding industry is the need of the development of livestock and poultry breeding. it is adapted to the needs of the vast number of consumers at home and to meet the needs of international trade competition. veterinary drugs not only can prevent and treat diseases of livestock and poultry, improve the feeding environment, kill and control pathogens, but also improve the health of animals, enhance their resistance to disease and immunity.
there is an old saying that "good health is better than prevention, and prevention is more important than cure". ecological culture is good farming products according to different age, gender, living habits and the development of the ecological environment, the introduction of good varieties, and take scientific farming, breeding density, breeding management norms of various production stages, health drug prevention and treatment of disease, promote the raising of no pollution, no residue in transgenic products, health. one way to grow fast.
i. causes of frequent diseases:
1., the source of infection: the increase in new pathogens, pathogens resistance increased.
2., the way of transmission of diseases: pig farms can not do all the whole, the pig's mobility is relatively large.
3., many of the non-standard management, the proportion of the construction of the house, the density of feeding, sanitation management, disinfection and vaccine work, and so on.
two. the concrete prevention and cure of disease:
the diagnosis work well because of the treatment of disease, viral diseases and bacterial diseases of the points, there are a lot of mixed infection, confirmed it indiscriminately would aggravate the disease, blue ear disease such as indiscriminate use of antibiotics not only can aggravate the disease and antibiotic abuse back the concept of science and culture.
[diagnostic reference]
chronic swelling of the throat......... pig anthrax
acute swelling of the throat......... lung disease.
erythema prominent, skin is rectangular, swine erysipelas.
nystagmus, vomiting, constipation......... porcine encephalitis
flu, septicemia, attack, front flush, retreat,
neurological symptoms of circling.................. pig pseudorabies
the joints were cut off with watery yellow water...... streptococcus
the joints were cut with thick gum samples...... haemophilus haemophilus
fewer babies, mummies, stillbirths, and cubs,
first tire abortion, delivery delay...... parvovirus
cloven hoofed animals infected blisters......... foot and mouth disease
infected pigs only............... pig vesicular rash
aborted sow with dyspnea and enlarged lymph nodes... toxoplasma
[preventive health care]
5, 7, 10 days after the birth of the pig, every day with ceftiofur fine point once can reduce the occurrence of young pig club.
15 days before mating with gilts, ayinuo 1kg grams of ramot 1kg mixing 1 tons for 7 days can reach to insecticide.
for 1kg grams per ton of feed jinwei growth peptide 1kg baotaiwuyou scattered 5kg pregnant sows every month for 7 days can be antibacterial, strong body, the purpose of tocolysis
10% 1kg / dl fumarate, vitamin 1kg , radix isatidis extract, extract powder, 200g, 7 ton per day can be used to prevent wheezing, infectious pleuropneumonia, secondary pigs and other diseases.
piglets born 3 days, intramuscular injection of 2ml disease resistance, long blood injection, can achieve blood, blood and enhance the resistance effect
[guidelines for medication]
flu injection: 1. muscle gland tire invincible cephalosporin, chuang xin fluorine lycra
2. qingkailing injection amoxicillin injection
3. mixed tratch fever ceftiofur by bupleurum injection
flu powder: 1. doxycycline radix isatidis extract, extract powder fluoride
2., new kang jin qi poison resistance
streptococcus injection: 1. yellow liquid serum amoxicillin / ceftiofur injection point
2. serum toxin injection
streptococcus powder: 1. bow original inflammation will cure
2. amoxicillin oxytetracycline powder
the body of red blood cells: 1. fluorine force essence
2. inflammation will cure bow original net
swine erysipelas: 1. penicillin qing pox
2. blast to undertake powder amoxicillin
diarrhea class disease injection: 1. piglets rescue liquid oral
2. serum toxin injection gentamycin sulfate
3. chong xin 1 injection
4. bupleurum injection featuring dysentery
diarrhea type powder: 1. grams for terramycin
2. inflammation will cure fluorine strange
respiratory diseases: 1. strong antibody for hu kang
2. strong resistance kechuanning arthritis virus
3. treatment of cough and asthma combined with kanamycin injection
wp: f odd maxingshigan extract mastitis treatment
a veterinary drug xin pharmaceutical group limited is the main component of chinese herbal medicine, the treatment process can move objects well protected organs, mild, traditional chinese medicine believe that a greater appreciation of space in the future, thanks to the support of friends, hope this article can help you in aquaculture.
after sale service center
may 22, 2014

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