introduction and practice of veterinary medicine production in the era of prescription drugs-九游会旧版

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introduction and practice of veterinary medicine production in the era of prescription drugs
add time:2014.03.26    views:690

recently, the ministry of agriculture promulgated the measures for the administration of veterinary prescription and non prescription drugs (hereinafter referred to as the measures) and the first catalogue of veterinary prescription drugs. from march 1, 2014 onwards, the ministry of agriculture will implement the "prescription" management of veterinary drug industry to increase supervision of veterinary drug production, management and use of such links, control of drug residues in animal food safety and security, so far, the veterinary drug industry has begun to enter the era of "prescription".
then, what will happen in the future of veterinary drug enterprises, veterinary medicine management and the prevention and health care of the breeding industry? in order to adapt to the management trend of the development of the industry, how should the veterinary drug production enterprises and veterinary drugs management plan the future development, and what will the competition of veterinary drug enterprises and distributors fight in the future?
i am following this shallow talk about personal views, and industry colleagues interaction ".
interpretation of new "measures"
veterinary prescription drugs refer to veterinary drugs which can be purchased and used by veterinary prescriptions. veterinary over-the-counter drugs are veterinary drugs which are purchased without the use of veterinary formulas and are used according to the instructions. the essence of veterinary prescription and non prescription drugs are not drugs, but the definition of management, which is based on the use of veterinary drug safety and risk degree, will be divided into veterinary prescription and non prescription drugs and make corresponding regulations.
previously, aquaculture in the prevention and treatment of diseases to buy veterinary medicine casually free, some vet or expert guidance and diagnosis and prescription, majority is by the experience of prevention and treatment of his past to read the instructions to buy drugs, is not scientific. in the face of complex outbreaks of disease, it is more hectic, improper medication, great risk, harm a lot. the introduction and implementation of the measures, from top to bottom, scientific norms and strict implementation, are realistic needs and inevitable trends.
according to the "proveharmful aquaculture" phenomenon, and veterinary drug production and business service industry, "credit crisis" as the industry technical service had long advocated "veterinary accurate service" concept, and boldly put forward the "veterinary semi-finished" theory, but also to emphasize on "veterinary prescription" production management and supervision of the use of.
i have made it clear that there is no shortage of good veterinary drugs on the market. the question is whether the drugs can be used properly. for your manual purchase farming people, i stressed: "said veterinary products specification is unknown"! because the veterinary drug products specifications, only the face of veterinary products in pharmacological layer, it does not explain the pathology of animal disease and accurate grasp of the system development of the disease, this is a high level of veterinary, is "the veterinary practice qualification and rich clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of bed veterinary professionals can do.
the impact of the implementation of the measures on the veterinary drug industry
from the development process of veterinary medicine industry, we can see that the veterinary medicine industry is developing with the rapid development of china's modern breeding industry. from the marketing point of view, the production and management of veterinary medicine products are closely related to the changing demands of users. "veterinary prescription era", from the veterinary veterinary drug production enterprise, from top to bottom in the beginning specification strict supervision, which makes the production of veterinary drugs and veterinary drug management is difficult to adapt to: on the one hand to strictly comply with national regulatory policies, on the other hand, in strict accordance with a series of relevant policies and regulations of production and management of veterinary products, will be a not very good to meet the needs of users, which in any case is related to the survival of veterinary drug enterprises.
veterinary drug production enterprises and veterinary drugs management began to enter "dilemma" situation. and the prevention and treatment of disease prevention and control of aquaculture, veterinary drug administration regulations are mostly to protect the interests of the law, in violation of the provisions of veterinary prescription purchase, use veterinary prescription drugs, shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit. whoever confiscate the illegal gains and impose a fine of not less than 50 thousand yuan shall be liable for compensation to others. it seems to be directed against the veterinary drug operators.
what is the competition for veterinary drug enterprises in the future?
force of force. to the national policies and regulations, we must implement the implementation, which is the most basic. however, the current situation in the industry, the real implementation of the implementation of the difficult and risky, a lot of related constraints can not be properly resolved within a short period of time. this is both a national regulatory mechanism, the problem of methodology, and the quality of the industry as a whole. therefore, i believe that veterinary enterprises should now remain stable, in the industry bend transition period, the preservation of strength, "live", that is, there is "force."".

"life and desire", but in "know"". only by "knowing and checking" as the beginning can we achieve the end with "get". veterinary drug enterprise concentration, requiring companies to act prudently, stabilize the market and enhance customer loyalty. strengthen the team management and improve the operational capacity, timely and properly handle customer objections, and service in the market more effort to balance the sluggish development of performance efficiency.
spell intelligence. wise men speak wisdom, fools fools, fools wise, and wise men wise.
in a major reshuffle of the industry, not to say that a large enterprise or brand enterprises can win, this time is not stable, who made a non in the teeth of the storm will not work, there have been many examples in reality. because in the "veterinary prescription" era, the "measures" to all enterprises are in the same starting line, as long as you occupy a lot of resources, keep your prescription to do fine, no longer do the whole lot of specious writing gimmick, "yu zhi decorated with wisdom, only wisdom", will be the ultimate beneficiaries.
spell service. now the veterinary drug market is already a buyer's market, designated veterinary prescription drugs, is the emphasis on veterinary technical service ability, must be in animal disease diagnosis and treatment experience of the "veterinary prescription", the purchase and use of veterinary prescription. at present, the veterinary medicine industry is the most lack of service capacity. in the current intense competition of veterinary drug market, coupled with the majority of veterinary medicines and farming technology lack of knowledge, a considerable part of the veterinary drug production and operation of enterprises, or in technical service capabilities, or driven by interests of farming technology service perfunctory, even misleading, the original customer service "twisted into enough error" so, the formation of abuse of veterinary drugs, waste of resources and the crisis of food safety problems.
to improve the enterprise production and management of service ability, standardize the purchase and use of veterinary prescription drugs, is the "animal medicine management regulations", the "measures" and other policies and regulations of the mind, but also the future of veterinary drug enterprises to win the market magic weapon of choice. at present, enterprises do more is stationed in shops, technicians, technical training and expert consultants, etc., but should not be the technical training will be strong buying, selling, users hate, fear of orders and other utilitarian behavior.
the quality of industry should be improved urgently
in the final analysis, the disadvantages of china's veterinary drugs market, such as prohibited additives, fake and shoddy products and abuse of antibiotics, are determined by the inferior quality of the people in the industry. to save a man, he must first save his mind, teach him, and teach him to change his mind. the veterinary drug industry customer service, can not stay in the veterinary technical knowledge level, if the overall quality cannot be improved, the current "animal medicine management regulations" implementation is the injury of veterinary drug enterprises, is the injury of veterinary enterprises, or hurt farming enterprises.
to this end, i particularly stressed the industry's ideological quality of users and other quality education. the party's mass line also emphasizes that serving the masses should be combined with education and guidance of the masses. at present, our enterprises pursue the "accurate service strategy" that is, in the technical training, not only to speak of veterinary drugs and disease prevention knowledge, more talk about how to treat disease and feeding and management ideas, to correct and preventive health care, veterinary drugs to buy mentality. let people know why, and why.
industry transformation and reshuffle, the risk is even more opportunities
into veterinary medicine, prescription drug era, the veterinary industry transformation, the relevant competition market reshuffle, it will rain, mother to marry, is inevitable development of the industry, we can only adapt. this is both a risk and an opportunity for an enterprise. we should be good at finding opportunities in crisis, seize opportunities and cherish opportunities. to have zero mentality, everything from scratch, long term. i think the "prescription" era of change, must be "accurate veterinary service" to continue in the spring, as long as the "spirit" and "quasi" efforts, excellence service technology, force, in the most critical needs of users then the future winner must belong to us!
let us bravely veterinary drug industry to join hands in the "prescription" era of animal husbandry chinese adhere to the healthy and harmonious development of unremitting efforts, actively implement the policies and regulations, ensure food safety, safety culture, service to the people, for the benefit of the people!
march 25, 2014
article source: chicken disease professional network

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