new view of piglet diarrhea-九游会旧版

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new view of piglet diarrhea
add time:2012.11.14    views:491

generally speaking, the diseases and metabolic disturbances in pigs must be dealt with in time, and it will be too late for second days. most of the time is the night before in the delivery room to see a litters of piglets diarrhea, originally wanted to take measures at the time, but because of unexpected events that night without any treatment, the morning of the second day saw the litters of piglets died miserably.
it is important to make the correct diagnosis of diarrhea in piglets. from the medicine cabinet just find some antibiotics for the pigs of course is very easy, but in fact there are other more suitable approaches can be taken.
when it comes to piglet diarrhea, a lot of people immediately think of colibacillosis or coccidiosis, but the most common form of production is nutritional diarrhea. because 70% of the piglets are water, dehydration caused by diarrhea in piglets can cause weight loss in piglets, which can lead to the death of piglets if they are not treated in time.
piglets metabolic function is exuberant, relatively rapid growth, digestive system immature, digestive enzymes and gastric acid secretion is insufficient, the body temperature regulation ability is poor. these physiological characteristics limit after weaning usually can not adapt to the change of solid piglet feed by liquid milk is easy digestion and high nutritional value to plant-based feed, indigestible material, and affected by stress factors such as weaning, weaning piglets in 1-2 days after refusing to eat, eat less, and 2-3 days because of hunger will eat a lot, a lot of nutrients into the food in a short time is difficult to digest in the digestive tract of piglets, resulting in slow digestion. undigested nutrients, especially carbohydrates, tend to ferment, causing a number of pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract to multiply and cause diarrhea in piglets.
the piglets of the stomach and small intestine with extremely low dietary protein hydrolysis ability and enzyme system development is not perfect and digestion, the protein digestion is very limited, but can be a good use of milk protein and high digestibility of animal protein. proper amount of fiber in diet plays an important role in the normal development of gastrointestinal tract and other digestive organs and the maintenance of normal microbial flora in piglets, and can effectively prevent piglet diarrhea. but because the piglets digestive fiber capacity is very weak, excessive fiber and digestive tract mucosa damage, leading to diarrhea.
feed moldy, fat oxidation rancidity and anti nutritional factors such as a variety of plant lectins, protease inhibitors have also lead to diarrhea of early weaned piglets. (solution: pigs can not be prevented - detoxification, detoxification, liver protection, kidney protection)
according to the experience of nutritional diarrhea is sometimes due to lysine and energy levels in feed caused by excessive production, only will be this kind of diet "eutrophication" replaced by the standard diet can solve the diarrhea of piglets.
stress is one of the most commonly used words in pig production in recent years, and stress in any situation can be manifested as digestive disorder (diarrhea). piglets are more susceptible to a variety of stress factors, so good delivery room management is critical.
the room temperature should not fluctuate too much, and the piglets must be kept in a warm environment in the delivery room without cold. in production it is necessary to use a heating pad or infrared light to ensure newborn piglets have a warm environment, completely surrounded by panels for delivery room, must have the area specifically for piglets concentrated lying either permanently or temporarily, in addition, must also be kept dry pig.
it is important for newborn piglets to take colostrum with adequate antibodies just a few hours before birth. because the diarrhea will lead to dehydration of piglets, diarrhea, piglets in the water supplement electrolyte is very easy to be absorbed by piglets.
to sum up, according to the principle of "cultivation management, prevention and treatment", the sow health care should be done under the cultivation management, and the feed hygiene and dietary nutrition balance will be guaranteed, and the high-quality colostrum for the newborn piglets will be guaranteed. in this case, it is recommended that farmers should make rational use of the long-acting antibodies produced by the company, such as resistance to diseases, promoting the growth of blood and blood, the removal of pathogenic bacteria, the growth of vitamin c, and the quality of veterinary drugs such as gold, qi, hong kong and hong kong.

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