differential diagnosis of swine sneezing (rotation)-九游会旧版

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differential diagnosis of swine sneezing (rotation)
add time:2012.08.23    views:488

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sneezing is a common symptom of respiratory tract disease in pigs. it is necessary to make differential diagnosis in clinic, which is helpful for early diagnosis and effective prevention and treatment of the disease.
sneezing is a defensive reflex of respiratory activity caused by certain stimuli in the nasal mucous membrane of the nose or nasopharynx. the physiological meaning of a sneeze reflex is to remove foreign matter or excessive secretions from the upper respiratory tract to clean and protect the respiratory tract. there are inflammatory exudates, mucus, dust, irritant gases and other foreign bodies in the physiological sneeze reflex of pigs. many infectious factors can cause pathological sneeze reflex in pigs.
pigs caused by pathological sneeze reflex disease mainly in swine atrophic rhinitis (ar), swine flu (si), porcine cytomegalovirus (pcmv) infection, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (prrs), hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (encephalitis), pseudorabies virus (pr) and other respiratory tract infection disease. when the pigs had the respiratory disease, caused by viral or bacterial invasion of nasal mucosa, increased sensitivity, extremely easy to cause sneezing, accompanied by nasal mucosa edema, hyperemia or nasal congestion, runny nose. sneezing droplets contain viruses or bacteria that can cause infections in healthy pigs that are in close contact with infected pigs. therefore, attention should be paid to isolating the pigs from these diseases to prevent cross infection. therefore, sneezing is a common symptom of certain respiratory diseases in pigs, but it is not the only criterion for determining respiratory diseases in pigs. what a pig will appear sneezing, but sneeze also showed what symptom, here we will be able to cause disease in pig finishing sneezing, i hope to help prevent swine and swine production.
a disease causing sneezing of weanling piglets
the sneezing of piglets can be caused by ar, pcmv infection, si, prrs, infection with encephalomyelitis virus (encephalitis type), pr, or environmental pollutants such as dust, ammonia or other toxic gases (table 1).
disease course / infection, other symptoms of animals, diagnosis
ar can see the symptoms of chronic conjunctivitis, in nursery pigs to fattening pigs, there are tears, nose distorted, occasional epistaxis: autopsy of turbinate atrophy, nasal septum deviation, nasal cultures were isolated from toxigenic pasteurella multocida
si pigs of all ages, but piglets with fever, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, nasal discharge, cough virus isolation, hi test, immunofluorescence assay, elisa test, polymerase chain reaction
environmental pollutants:
ammonia gas and dust of chronic, pigs showed symptoms of any age, but more common in young pigs, especially the pit floor slab, or have the floor pig urine excessive eye tears, there is tears, serous nasal secretions, shallow breathing environment determination of ammonia in the dust environment is greater than 25ppm; especially, when feeding
prrs chronic. respiratory
other symptoms are usually more obvious than sneezing coughing, dyspnea, poor growth, mild rhinitis, turbinate atrophy without virus isolation, serological test,
immunoperoxidase assay, polymerase chain reaction
the local epidemic of chronic pr, all aged pigs can see some symptoms, but usually in an age of pigs is the most severe cough from seropositive autopsy: rhinitis, but without turbinate atrophy
the progress of the epidemic pr symptoms quickly, can start from a group of pigs, quickly spread to the other pigs. in young pigs most serious symptoms of cough, anorexia, constipation, dizziness, vomiting, salivation, central nervous system symptoms, tic necropsy: especially older pigs is not easy to see any lesions, or you can see necrotizing tonsillitis, rhinitis, 1 ~ 2mm on hepatic necrosis
by pasteurella multocida, bordetella bronchiseptica and other pathogens may have caused by ar is the most common cause of piglets to sneeze. ar rarely causes sneezing in piglets under 1 weeks of age, but the frequency of sneezing caused by ar increases as the piglets age closer to weaning. in addition to causing runny nose and tear stains, ar infected piglets rarely produce clinical symptoms. in addition, if the piglets are usually in good health, there will be no higher mortality rates. at necropsy, the lesions confined to the nose, a serous, purulent or hemorrhagic secretions, and accompanied by turbinate atrophy and nasal septum deviation.
pcmv infection is a very serious disease in newborn piglets, but pigs usually do not exhibit clinical symptoms after infection with pcmv over 3 weeks of age. in addition to sneezing, infected piglets exhibit edema, tremors, anemia, and dyspnea around the jaw and hock, with a mortality rate of up to 25%. for sows, possible stillbirth or increased number of mummified fetuses. a slight rhinitis can be seen in the necropsy. the other obvious lesions including subcutaneous edema, ecchymosis, pericardial and pleural effusion and lymph nodes. environmental dust and ammonia concentration greater than 25ppm, will stimulate the respiratory tract mucosa, and lead to excessive tears, yan zhongbi secretions, shallow breathing. ammonia induced lesions and lesions caused by various infectious pathogens, when pigs will move out of the pollution of the environment, then the pigs recovered completely. prrs causes mild rhinitis, which causes sneezing. the disease is most common in pig care, but can also be found in weanling pigs or growing pigs. sneezing is an early symptom of pseudorabies, or is part of the clinical manifestation of a blood clotting encephalomyelitis virus infection. however, for weanling piglets, these infections are very rapid and can spread rapidly to the central nervous system, so that when vets come, they can be made according to differences in neurological symptoms

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