chong xin brand veterinary disease prevention program recommended summer-九游会旧版

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chong xin brand veterinary disease prevention program recommended summer
add time:2012.08.23    views:529
the high temperature in summer, more pigs, causing high temperature, high fever, blue ring virus, csfv, parvovirus, influenza viruses such as mixed infection, red body, toxoplasma, streptococcus, haemophilus, and so on. sufficient rainfall in early summer, suitable temperature, suitable for fattening pig growth, but also for bacteria, fungi and other growth, so we should pay attention to feed and bar health, pay attention to vitamins and trace elements. (that is, regular use of kanamycin, vitamin d, growth peptide, oxytetracycline, calcium salt, etc.)
first, the mixed infection disease prevention program (influenza caused by heat sensation)
(1) the main body attached to the red bow:
morning, huangqi antitoxin or thermal cleaning ceftiofur sodium mixed / fever mixed tratch, point injection.
in the afternoon, intramuscular injection of intramuscular peptide / toxic blood mixed. 2-3 consecutive days
(2) streptococcus dominated:
morning, huangqi antitoxin or thermal cleaning ceftiofur sodium mixed / fever mixed tratch, point injection.
afternoon, muscle gland peptide / morninglight honggong chain, point injection. 2-3 consecutive days
(3) haemophilus influenzae mainly:
morning, huangqi antitoxin or thermal cleaning ceftiofur sodium mixed / fever mixed tratch, point injection.
in the afternoon, intramuscular injection of intramuscular injection of muscle peptide / fu yan yan. 2-3 consecutive days
(4) according to the measurement, the use of astragalus qi, poison, disease resistance, powder, no anti blood worms, quick resistance powder, qingre anti stress powder, fluoride peptide powder, 500 oxytetracycline powder and other mixing feed
two, respiratory disease prevention program
(1) intramuscular injection (continuous 2-3 days):
morning, ahmad / pioneer or gold huangqi qingkailing ceftiofur mixed quality
in the afternoon, the fluorine is fragrant immortal fang / the inflammation poison, the cough and asthma ning
(2) according to the use of heavy flu, cough and asthma, powder, cough and asthma, powder, powder, powder, 500 oxytetracycline powder, etc..
three, prevention and treatment of intestinal diseases program
(1) intramuscular injection (continuous 2-3 days);
morning, the vast qixiao morninglight zhilishen fast / dysentery
afternoon, chong xin li ke / qingwenbaidu needle of ahmad first
(2) according to the measurement using the antidiarrheal powder storm, intestinal skin antidiarrheal powder, zhengchangsheng powder, xingkang powder, 500 powder mixed feeding oxytetracycline.
four, new products and poultry medicine recommended
(1) point of furosemide;
(2) long-acting mother antibody
(3) duck plague kang
(4) duck epidemic one
(5) the duck king
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