12 misunderstandings of pig raising in rural areas-九游会旧版

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12 misunderstandings of pig raising in rural areas
add time:2012.08.23    views:498

in the process of production in rural pig, a pig raiser due to the lack of scientific management and immunization miebing knowledge, often mistaken, these are problems worthy of attention, there are mainly 12 kinds of rural pig misunderstanding:
1. feed the pellet with water
nowadays, many kinds of formula feed, such as pellet, powder and so on, are gradually occupying the market. although the formula feed pig is good, some farmers do not understand or ignore the scientific feeding methods, and feed the two kinds of feed in the same way. in the pellet feed, the water is added into a gruel shape to damage the nutritive components and reduce the nutritive value. the correct way is: feed pigs, then feed water.
two inbreeding
some pig farmers adopted breeding and parental breeding between the same litter pigs. this inbreeding violates the principle of pig breeding, and makes pig species more and more degraded, affecting the quality and economic benefits of pigs.
three, can make pigskin red, hair bright material is good feed
you can say, skin red, hair bright is a healthy pig performance. as long as the growth and development of pigs are normal and the health is in good condition, the skin is naturally red, and the hair is bright. some feed factories use this misunderstanding, adding some prohibited drugs in the feed, so that pigskin red, mao liang. such feed is undesirable, the pork that eats this kind of feed produces lean flesh to also can bring harm to human health.
four, cure superstition superstition
met the pig pig fever, loss of appetite, the use of large doses of immediately metamizole sodium injection, that pig's body temperature can be control, the disease can be cured. and analginum side effects, easy to cause the pig anaphylactic shock, a sharp drop in body temperature, which can cause respiratory and circulatory failure and death.
five, castration, epidemic prevention together
at present, some farmers attach great importance to epidemic prevention, but ignore scientific methods. first, in order to save trouble, castrated piglets, and then hit vaccination. in this way, it is easy to make the pig's castration wounds difficult to heal, and the epidemic prevention effect will be affected. two sows vaccination when pregnant. sows are particularly sensitive to external stimuli after pregnancy, and vaccination is also a strong stimulus. epidemic vaccinations can cause stillbirth or miscarriage. therefore, the sow is best not to fight vaccination after pregnancy, piglets should be 10~15 days after castration to fight vaccination.
six piglets weaned too early or too late
premature weaning can cause the growth and development of piglets to stagnate and form dead pigs. too late weaning will lead to an increase in the reproductive cycle of sows and a decrease in litter size. the weaning time of the normal piglets is more suitable at 45~50 days.
seven, the darker the stool, the better digestion
the real distinction between digestive quality indicators, should look at the amount of feces and the shape of pig manure. the normal digestion of pig every day 3 ~ 4 times of defecation, smooth shape, moderate hardness. the color of the faeces is determined by the variety, structure and trace elements and ingredients contained in the feed. what people call fecal black is only the result of high levels of copper sulphate in the feed.
eight, feed nutrition is not comprehensive
some pig farmers not according to the needs of the different growth stages of pigs diets, but what is what makes the utilization rate of feed feed, reduce, prolong the time of slaughter.
nine, those who lean pigs can sell
there is a saying, "real lean pigs can also be fed into big fat pigs."". where is the high price of lean pig? mainly meat yield and lean meat rate. lean meat is produced by high protein feed, and lean pigs can't grow more lean meat if they are not fed and fed according to the nutritional indicators of lean pigs. there are always people in order to save money in advance to reduce the proportion of concentrated feed, also is to let the pig eating pig feed, pig and eat the big pig feed; feeding and non feeding just complete feed, "soup up belly", the stomach is big, this is not the price to sell pigs.
ten, pregnant pigs sick without medication?
some pig farmers believe that after the pregnancy of pigs, even if the disease can not be treated with drugs, or else easily lead to miscarriage of stillbirth of pregnant women, this view often lead to delayed treatment of pregnant sows infected, resulting in losses. pregnant pigs should be immediately after the diagnosis and treatment of veterinary medicine, medication should be invited professional guidance.
eleven, pay attention to treatment of swine, swine anti contempt
some farmers preventive medication poor awareness of epidemic prevention concept is weak, almost no disinfectant, only fight swine fever, erysipelas, paratyphoid 3 injections. as a result, many other diseases, such as manpower, material and financial resources, have also been caused, which have caused great economic losses. therefore, we should adhere to the "prevention first, prevention is better than treatment" principle, pay attention to disinfection, immunity, especially to increase the parvovirus, escherichia coli, pseudorabies virus, japanese encephalitis, infectious pleuropneumonia immune project, in order to reduce the incidence of swine.
twelve, selling pig weight more cost-effective
in addition to the amount of money earned by feed costs and living prices two factors, the most important thing is the ratio of meat to meat, which is a hard indicator. the smaller the pig's weight, the lower the meat to meat ratio. its order is: pig 2.4:1, pig 2.8:1, big pig 3.2:1. if the pig weighs about 90 kilograms, its average meat ratio is about 3.0:1. various data show that when the pig weighs more than 100 kg, its feed to meat ratio has reached 4.5:1. then it does not sell, daily consumption will be close to or exceed the weight gain benefits, then the profit is very low, so according to the price of pig feed and determine appropriate slaughter weight, general control to 90 ~ 100 kilograms slaughter is appropriate.

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