prevention and treatment of diarrhea after early weaning of piglets-九游会旧版

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prevention and treatment of diarrhea after early weaning of piglets
add time:2012.08.22    views:485

recently, many users have shown that it is becoming more and more difficult to raise pigs, especially the problem of diarrhea in early weaned piglets. according to our survey, diarrhea of weaned piglets diarrhea problems are quite common, the rate of diarrhea in general about 20-30%, the mortality rate is about 2-4%, but in some pig farms, the diarrhea rate of piglets after weaning is extremely high, even up to 70-80%, the mortality rate reached 15-20%, causing great economic losses to pig producers.
weaned piglets after weaning diarrhea generally occurs in 3-10 days, seventh days to reach a climax, the general formation of atherosclerotic or watery diarrhea, with undigested food, if not timely detection and treatment, will soon die from dehydration. the main reason is that..:
first, after weaning piglets, maternal antibodies dropped sharply, resulting in resistance to decline.
two, piglets digestive physiological function is not perfect, not suited to plant protein high feed, causing gastrointestinal disorders, coupled with high gastrointestinal ph, digestive enzyme activity can not play its due role and induce diarrhea.
three, weaning stress, especially environmental stress, when the temperature difference in the house over 10 degrees, diarrhea rate will rise 25-30%, high humidity environment will also significantly increase the number of diarrhea.
four, inappropriate feeding methods: excessive feeding and excessive feeding, the formation of hunger and excessive eating diarrhea.
five, the immune response, especially in the fed corn soybean diet, which contain lots of anti nutritional factors in the soybean meal soybean meal, resulting in delayed hypersensitivity of intestinal epithelial cells, causing watery diarrhea.
six, gastrointestinal flora imbalance. to this end, in order to reduce the loss caused by the disease,
the following measures may be taken:
well, a piglet feeding in lactating stage: piglets began to fill the pellet at the age of 7 days, the pellet must join the attractant, such as: kami so, cream, milk more concentrated flavor phagostimulating effect better, before weaning feed intake is large, gastrointestinal function will be sufficient to get exercise and to post weaning diarrhea rate and the mortality rate is greatly reduced, this is the key to success of early weaning.
two, 4-5 days before weaning sows to reduce the material, at the same time in 3 days before weaning in piglets by adding some antibiotics or probiotics good solid intestinal zhilishen zhengchangsheng substances, to kill harmful bacteria; after weaning piglets to foster homes will not immediately, if conditions permit, in the original circle of 2-3 days after feeding and then transferred to foster homes.
three, do the iodine disinfection disinfectant poison bacteria weaning houses such as the use, no residue, best fumigation. this is the key to preventing the occurrence of infectious diseases, and it is also a necessary condition to reduce the occurrence of diarrhea after weaning.
four, adding antibiotics in weaned piglet feed, such as powerful, strong, high fluoride, amoxicillin, and piglets feeding limit feed at weaning, beginning on the day of the first day of feeding, reduced to the daily intake of 40-50%. gradually increase every day, to reach the seventh day constant, until the end of the diarrhea can be allowed to free food intake.
five, in addition to the above, the early weaned piglets feed should also add some milk powder, and at the same time add 1% citric acid, may also add some composite enzyme preparation or yeast, such as jianwei open food powder. at the same time, the protein in diet was decreased, and the dietary protein was controlled at around 19--20%.
six, in modulating the diet, as far as possible the use of mature soybean meal or puffed soybeans.
for the treatment of diarrhea after weaning, can take the following measures:
the use of antibiotics, such as solid, good intestinal zhilishen, potent immune interferon oral lygo source, the effect is excellent, in addition, can help the vast qixiao liquid, piglet dysentery, morninglight dysentery, baidu dysentery and so fast injection, while using the convergence of drugs, such as: activated carbon, tannic acid protein, for severe diarrhea should also be with the immune liquid, astragalus antitoxin injection. the treatment is the key to the water supply work, the most economical and effective method is to use huangqi growth peptide, oral rehydration salts (kcl, nahco3 1.5 grams 2.5 grams, 3.5 grams, add water to nacl 1000ml) let them drink, not to drink, gavage, especially serious should intravenous glucose (available 5% saline, vc combined with disposable infusion)

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