immunization and disinfection should be more detail-九游会旧版

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immunization and disinfection should be more detail
add time:2012.08.22    views:563

immunization and disinfection are important aspects of disease control of livestock and poultry, which directly affect the quality, safety level and benefit of livestock and poultry products. in the specific operation, farmers should pay attention to every detail:
1. immunization
the combination of local epidemic and the actual production, the main consideration of the local livestock epidemic situation, similar to the characteristics of infectious diseases, maternal antibody level and immune interval, vaccine inoculation ways and characteristics, on the animal health and other factors affecting the development of immunization programs.
according to the laws and regulations of the state, major animal diseases such as avian influenza, foot and mouth disease, blue ear disease and other compulsory immunization must be enforced with an immune density of 100%.
the quality of the vaccine is the key to the success of disease prevention, may not be used without the approval of the ministry of agriculture has been eliminated or vaccine, vaccine should have veterinary biological products production or business qualification units purchased, and adopt scientific methods of transportation and storage, to avoid the decline in the quality of vaccine.
immunization should follow the immunization route, immune method and immune dose labeled by the vaccine instruction. the use of excessive doses can cause immune system paralysis or toxic reactions. one or both livestock and poultry should be replaced with a needle (except for the 1 day marek's vaccine), and the utensils must be boiled and sterilized.
two or more than two kinds of vaccines should not be used together, after immunization should observe whether there are adverse reactions, adverse reactions should be treated in a timely manner. do not sterilize 24 hours before and after immunization so as not to affect the titer.
the hens field conditions should be combined with the immune antibody monitoring, timely vaccination.
the use of attenuated vaccine immunization, immunization in 7 days before and after the use of antibacterial drugs should not be a vaccine strain sensitive.
the new field of the region without the disease, suggested the use of inactivated vaccine or immune.
2., strict disinfection
the disinfection of the environment: according to the standard requirements, and the road, around the livestock and poultry farm manure should adhere to a week with bacteria or bacteria might kill poison poison iodine disinfection once; on-site sewage pool, sewer outlet should be monthly with a high efficient bacteria disinfection a poison.
the vehicle disinfection: vehicles field, wheel after disinfection, the body and the car wheel to take spray disinfection, disinfection can use caustic soda or cresol saponatus liquid.
third, personnel disinfection: personnel into the field should be taken after the shower, change disinfectant clothing, step through the disinfection tank, wash hands in the sterile basin after entering. ultraviolet disinfection is not recommended, because many farms due to disinfection of space is too large, the irradiation time is short, the intensity of light is not good control, resulting in ultraviolet disinfection can not achieve the desired results.
disinfection of livestock and poultry houses: thorough disinfection shall be carried out in time after the livestock and poultry are turned away or all are eliminated. a thorough disinfection of the program is to make a thorough cleaning, washing, water cannons with bacteria or bacteria might kill poison poison iodine disinfectant spray disinfection, such as full closed livestock and poultry, faure marin fumigation. after thorough disinfection, 2 zhou fang can be used.
with livestock and poultry disinfection: 1~2 weeks with livestock and poultry disinfection once, you must clean the feces, rinse, spray disinfection, in order to reduce the environment microorganisms and respirable particulate matter in the air.
the appliances disinfection: take cleaning, sunlight, dry heat sterilization, disinfection, etc. suitable for flame spraying method, regular disinfection of the feeding trough, tools and other items; take the high temperature and high pressure steam sterilization, disinfection and other treatment methods for strict disinfection and epidemic prevention device
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chuang xin liu teacher

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