simplified diagnosis of diarrhea in piglets-九游会旧版

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simplified diagnosis of diarrhea in piglets
add time:2012.08.22    views:458

name of disease
age of onset
epidemic characteristics
clinical features
pathological autopsy
characteristic change
laboratory test
red dysentery
(infectious necrotic enteritis of piglets)
1-3 days old
four seasons
the onset is rapid and the course of disease is short, and most of the patients die within 1-5 days.
light red or reddish brown from loose stool, after containing necrotic debris into gray, "rice" like stool.
is mainly the jejunum is dark red with blood, intestinal cavity filled with liquid, intestinal contents of reddish brown and mixed small bubbles; jejunal mucosal irritation of hemorrhagic or necrotizing inflammation, some extension to the ileum, but not duodenal damage. secondly, mesenteric lymph node enlargement or hemorrhage can be seen.
the intestinal disease was diagnosed by intestinal smear and toxin inoculation. the neutralization test identification of clostridium welchii type c or type d.
the pregnant pigs were given 1 red dysentery vaccine 1 months and half months before birth.
piglets after birth, with chuang xin, stop dysentery and other preventive oral, there is a certain effect.
1-3 days old
four seasons
caused by suckling sows without milk disease
piglets from inactivity to watery diarrhea, weakness, to low body temperature, coma, or neurological symptoms.
there is no digestive tract in the digestive tract, dehydrated, small and hard liver, and white deposits in the pelvis and ureter
the blood urea nitrogen increased and the blood glucose was below 50mg%.
prevention of non milk sickness in sows.
intraperitoneal injection of 50% glucose injection or oral.
yellow scour
(early onset colibacillosis)
four seasons
the incidence of farrowing or poor sanitation of the first litter sows is higher, and the higher the mortality rate is, the smaller the age is.
yellow thin stool, containing the curd pieces, fecal incontinence, dehydration, weight loss, decline and death.
the main lesions of gastrointestinal catarrh, intestinal wall thinning, relaxation, inflation, especially in the duodenum was the most serious, cause congestion, hemorrhage and acute catarrhal inflammation. the mesenteric lymph nodes are enlarged and the heart, liver, kidney and other parenchymal organs are seriously degenerated.
in this bacteremia, escherichia coli 104/ml colonies were cultured in small intestine, and elisa was used as the diagnostic antigen.
pregnant pigs were inoculated 1 times against escherichia coli diarrhea vaccine 40 days and 20 days before inoculation.
after birth with probiotics or antibiotics for piglets zhengchangsheng oral liquid for 3 days;
6-15 days old
8-9 months, hot and humid environment
gradually wasting and self tolerance.
sow, suckling pig row yellow water odor feces, ph7-8, some with alternating constipation.
the small intestine catarrh, a pale yellow - round nodule severe intestinal mucosa
there are lots of coccidiosis oocysts in feces
sow sows 2 or 1 weeks before birth
with the emperor or smash the antidiarrheal powder for nourishing piglets and sows (1 weeks before or postpartum lactation) mixed with feed or mixed drinks fed for 3 to 5 days.
feeding induced diarrhea or nutritional diarrhea in piglets.
7-10 days old, 1 weeks after weaning
four seasons
suddenly forced feeding or eat bad milk and feed disease.
the piglets are active and have a desire to eat, with no symptoms at all. they are only diarrhea, indigestion, feces and feces.
full enteral contents without digestion or shoddy material a small amount of undigested, gastric ph is approximately 5, gastrointestinal inflammation.
prevent dietary antigen (natural casein or protein is too high), resulting in piglets immune, gao min sensitive, susceptible to pathogenic bacteria.
timely weaning; feeding high quality pig feed or adding antidiarrheal storm.
late escherichia coli
10-20 days old
four seasons
feeding, management and hygiene, temperature changes, rain and so on, the course of disease for 2-10 days.
to discharge the milky white or grey white fishy paste loose stool characteristics.
gastrointestinal inflammation, gastric filling often have large quantities of product of rennet or undigested food; especially in the pyloric gastric mucosa flushing swelling.
sow prenatal 15 days and 7 days after the first rotavirus vaccine injection, also have effect on diarrhea epidemic prevention, because these two diseases are often complicated by.
rotavirus disease
10-56 days old, 10-28 days old more easily
early spring and late winter; cold season
the new epidemic area sometimes sees outbreaks, most of which are sporadic
most adult pigs are recessive infections. piglets vomiting, diarrhea, fecal yellow white or black, a fishy, watery or paste
stomach rennet, intestinal wall was thin translucent; watery and small intestinal contents. multiple expansion of the cecum and cecum.
electron microscopic examination showed that the fecal debris in 24h could be seen as a spherical globular virus particle.
1. injected vaccine or oral vaccine, 2. injected porcine serum or antiserum, and 3. injection of new strain i vaccine as inducer, interferon was induced in pig body.
swine edema disease
mostly before and after weaning
four seasons
often seen in good nutrition and strong piglets, the sudden onset of death.
some have mild diarrhea, constipation, p and r increase, some eyelids edema, or ataxia and other neurological symptoms.
the main is edema, stomach and cardia, gastric mucosa and muscle layer jelly like edema, mesenteric and subcutaneous edema etc..
piglet secondary injury
1-4 months old
rainy wet season
more common in nutrition, sanitation, pig epidemic.
the chronic colon type is similar to the intestinal type hog cholera, and some of them are acute hepatic fibrosis, and die after 2-6 days.
the lesion is characterized by bad, blind, colitis, thick bowel wall, covering bran like material, spleen slightly swollen, lung enlargement, secondary liver change zone, or purulent focus.
identification of bacteria isolated from liver and spleen can also be done by immunofluorescence test.
the vaccine is mainly injected or taken orally.
transmissible gastroenteritis of swine
swollen age pigs
cold season in winter and winter
100% of the new endemic areas and the old ones are usually limited to piglets.
suckling pigs vomit, watery diarrhea, dehydration, death or become stiff pigs, adult pigs mild watery diarrhea or temporary soft stool.
the suckling pig's stomach is full of curds

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