plan of product of brand of pig of brand of a brand of xin xin, pig, project of prevention and healt-九游会旧版

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plan of product of brand of pig of brand of a brand of xin xin, pig, project of prevention and healt
add time:2012.02.24    views:523

(eight points prevention, two treatment)
a suckling pig health care: (target survival rate is more than 95%, the health care plan -- three)
(1) newborn piglets (0-6 days old) have a good birth pass:
1., health care purposes: to prevent maternal infection (such as: umbilical cord, birth canal, breast-feeding and other infections), mainly for escherichia coli, streptococcus and so on.
2. recommended programs:
1) omphalotomy: piglets after birth, umbilical cord blood into the abdomen extrusion direction, at a distance of 5-6cm with abdominal forceps clamped with medical alcohol sterilized thread tied with scissors, cut the umbilical cord, and deal with medical alcohol disinfection.
2) cut teeth: use medical alcohol sterilized special cutting pliers, cut the teeth 2/3, and use medical alcohol 1:2000 oral spray disinfection.
3): anti diarrhea piglets eat colostrum orally before diarrhea stop 1.5ml (1), in case of red, yellow and white scour of piglets.
tail: 4) with medical alcohol sterilized special tail forceps to cut the piglets of 1/2 tail, and with 0.1% potassium permanganate disinfection solution.
5) ear number: no ear clamp with medical alcohol sterilized for piglets to pigs ear number and 0.1% potassium permanganate solution disinfection, and weighing record.
6) eat colostrum and colostrum to preservation of newborn piglets, the breeder with medical alcohol sterilized milk hand squeezed sow first, second drops of good, nipple medical alcohol sterilized and then feed the piglets. after birth, should pay attention to cold, warm, especially in winter, should prevent the sow at the time of childbirth, crushed to death.
7) iron, anti coccidiosis: piglets at 3 days of age and iron supplementation to prevent coccidiosis occurrence (intramuscular injection of 2ml morninglight iron dextran injection, the worm injection plus saline solution), at the age of 10, add a time.
8): castrated male piglets (male) aged 5-6 days were castrated, aseptic operation and strict disinfection (medical alcohol or iodine); at the same time intramuscular injection of anti infective drugs (advanced ceftiofur and astragalus antitoxin).
9) regular disinfection: environmental disinfection two times a month (bacteria poison power or bacteria poison collection), with pig disinfection, two times a week (bacteria poisoning).
(two) before and after the opening of food (5-7 days old), too good feeding pass:
1.. health care objective: to control colibacillosis and stress in early weaned piglets.
2. recommended programs:
1) health food drugs: jianwei powder (200g/1000l water) or compound vitamin b powder (100g/60l water), drinking water for 5-7 days, food supplement adequate nutrition. stop dysentery storm (1000g/2t drinking water or 1t mixture) heat clearing anti stress powder (1000g/2t drinking water or 1t mixture), for 5-7 days.
(three) before and after weaning (21-28 days old), good weaning:
1., health care purposes: mainly to prevent weaning stress and colibacillosis or wheezing.
2. recommended programs:
1) medicine health care: weaning 5-7 days, drinking water or mixing, each 1t feed or 2t water, add zhengchangsheng or zhilishen 1000g for fluoride 1000g or cough storm storm 1000g. since the raw material ingredients mycotoxin infection or with the use of meiyu season, mycotoxin static (1000g/2t mix).
2) will be from weaning sows, piglets is still in the original 7 days after entering the stable transition zone nursery.
two, conservation piglets health care: (- survival rate = 97%)
1., health care purposes: the main prevention of wheezing and pleuropneumonia, colibacillosis and parasitic diseases.
2. recommended programs:
1) medicine health care: turn bar or upmake gregarious, refueling before and after 5-7 days, 3-5 days of climate change, heavy rain stress factors such as drinking water, or mixing, each 1t feed or 2t water, add fluoride or fluorine for odd or maxing shigan extract powder 1000g zhilishen extract powder 1000g or solid intestinal zhilishen good 1000g drinking water. since the raw material ingredients mycotoxin infection or with the use of meiyu season, mycotoxin net (1000g/2t mix).
2) regularly worm: 50-60 days old, choose worm speed grams (1000g/1t material) mixed feeding, used for 5-7 days.
3) regular disinfection: environmental disinfection two times a month (bacteria, poison, power or bacteria), with pig disinfection, two times a week (fungus collection).
three, the fattening period of care: (- survival rate = 98%)
1., health care purposes: to prevent respiratory diseases, parasites and other pathogenic bacteria infection and growth promoting.
2. recommended programs:
1) medicine health care: under normal circumstances the weight above 30kg finishing pigs, every 30 days of medication for 5-7 days, 3-5 days, rainstorm occurred abrupt climatic stress factors such as drinking water, or mixing, each 1t feed or 2t water, add g or 200-300 for fluorine fluorine odd 200-300 g or heavy kechuanning maxingshigan 1000g extract 1000g 1000g. round pull radical (200g/1000l water) or red bow chain (100g/60l water) in drinking water. since the raw material ingredients mycotoxin infection or with the use of meiyu season, mycotoxin static (1000g/2t mix).
2) regular actions: 50-60kg, selection of worms (1000g/1t material) powder mites mixed feeding, 5-7 days.
3) regular disinfection: environmental disinfection two times a month (bacteria, poison, power or bacteria), with pig disinfection, two times a week (fungus collection).
four, pig health care:
1, health goals:
litter size
stillbirth rate
mummy rate
litter dispersion rate
abortion rate
standard target
ten point nine
< 15%
control target
ten point four
< 18%
non production days
parturition rate
return rate
weak offspring rate
standard target
under 50 days
> 85%
< 10%
< 5%
control target
under 60 days
> 80%
< 10%
< 10%
2, recommended program:
periodic disinfection: environmental disinfection two times a month (bacteria poison power or poison), with pig disinfection two times a week (bacteria du baodian).
(1) reserve pig;
1) medicine health care: a week before the first week of introduction and breeding, drinking or mixing, each 1t feed or 2t water, add astragalus polysaccharide extract powder or forsythia extract powder or isatis root extract powder 1000g for fluoride or fluorine 200-300g odd 200g 500-1000g xingkang. polysaccharide interferon (200g/)

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