prevention and treatment of severe diarrhea in pigs in spring-九游会旧版

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prevention and treatment of severe diarrhea in pigs in spring
add time:2013.03.04    views:552

first, the popular features
1, the occurrence of this disease has obvious seasonal, often in cold winter and early spring season, cold, damp, poor health and so on, can lead to the occurrence of the disease. the mode is mostly explosive or epidemic.
2, pigs of all ages can be infected with the disease, the infection rate can reach 90 to 100%, but the symptoms of the male, sow, finishing pigs and weaned piglets are mild after the onset of infection, the mortality rate is lower, and can recover spontaneously in 5~7 days. however, the morbidity and mortality of suckling piglets are very high within 10 days, and the mortality decreases gradually with the increase of age. live pigs infected with this disease can obtain automatic immune antibodies for a certain period of time.
3, infected pigs and recessive drug addicts are the main infectious sources of the disease.
4, the digestive tract is the main route of transmission, the disease pig excrement, pollution, feed, drinking water and various appliances, can become the infectious factor of this disease.
two 、 clinical symptoms
1. the typical symptom of piglets is the sudden occurrence of vomiting, followed by rapid diarrhea with yellow, pale green or greyish white water stool containing undigested curd. the pigs quickly dehydrated, depressed, confused haired, eat or not eat, dehydrated weight, general died in 2 ~ 5 days, less than 10 day old piglet mortality as high as 50 to 100%, with the age increasing mortality.
2, pigs and adult male feeder pigs and sows, after the onset of mild symptoms, showed decreased appetite, not to eat, sometimes seen vomiting, yellow green or brown watery stools, and mixed with bubbles. general rehabilitation in 3~7 days, the mortality rate is not high.
3 lactation sows often because of dehydration lead to lactation decrease or stop.  pregnant sows rarely suffer from miscarriage.
4, the temperature of the sick pig is normal. the mortality rate of newborn piglets was 90%, and the mortality rate was 10 to 30% in 10~20 day old piglets. 20kg above the mortality rate of pigs is not high, rarely because of the death of the disease, but if secondary infection of escherichia coli, can aggravate the disease and increase mortality.
three 、 pathological examination
the carcasses of dead pigs are emaciated and dehydrated, and the stomach feels sticky and congested. sometimes there is a bleeding point. the small intestine is sticky and congested. the wall of the intestine is thin and inelastic, containing watery stools and swelling of the mesenteric lymph nodes.
four 、 diagnosis
1, according to the onset of the season, mostly in cold winter or early spring.
2 pigs, sudden onset, usually within a few days in the majority of infected pigs, regardless of size and sex may be the pathogenesis of pigs.
3, the main symptoms are severe vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration, the highest mortality rate in 10 days after the onset of piglets, and with the growth of age, mortality gradually decline.
4 、 combined with pathological examination. laboratory tests are necessary if necessary.
five treatment method, prevention and control measures of the disease has no effect, should take comprehensive measures of prevention and control.
1, strengthen feeding management, keep the pig house and utensils clean, regular disinfection, pay attention to the piglets cold, warm, provide full price of feed, increase the body's resistance.
2, do a good job of vaccination, regular vaccination of swine infectious gastroenteritis vaccine for prevention.
3, the use of interference therapy: to newcastle disease vaccine strains as the source of the interference injection can obviously relieve the symptoms. dose: a bottle of newcastle disease vaccine (in 500 samples of meter) injectable 15 day old suckling pig 10. can be injected more than 15 days old to 10kg piglets 6~8.  more than 15kg can inject 4~5 heads.
4, in the drinking water in proportion to add high rejection toxin and oral rehydration salts. in the feed in the adsorbent, sodium humate, crystal sodium and so on, with antibiotics, solid bowel, dysentery good, intestinal skin, dysentery, powder and so on.
5, newborn suckling pigs were given drinking or intravenous infusion of 5% glucose saline, the effect was good. 3~5 days after birth, intramuscular injection of 1-2ml can significantly improve the resistance of piglets.
6, the condition is serious, can be injected with antibiotics morninglight dysentery, dysentery and other evil dester fast antibiotics to prevent secondary infection. can also be injected with an appropriate amount of atropine, 654~2 and other drugs to slow down gastrointestinal peristalsis, relieve severe vomiting and diarrhea.

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