cold season, the pig cold diarrhea disease also came-九游会旧版

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cold season, the pig cold diarrhea disease also came
add time:2012.11.12    views:527
the "cold diarrhea" disease of pigs is caused by infectious gastroenteritis and epidemic diarrhea of pigs. it is easy for pigs to catch the disease in cold weather. once the pig got the disease, except in the case of severe diarrhea and death caused by pigs (milk pig mortality rate of up to 100%), but also seriously affected the growth of pigs, pigs caused by the elimination rate increase. in order to effectively control the occurrence of the disease, preventive measures should be taken.
1, pathological features
porcine transmissible gastroenteritis and porcine epidemic diarrhea are highly contagious infectious viral diarrhea diseases that can infect pigs of all ages, especially those within 10 days of age, with high morbidity and mortality. the main diseases of the pigs are vomiting, severe diarrhea and dehydration. in addition to pigs, the virus contaminated feed, water, air and other media through the respiratory tract and digestive tract infections of pigs, other conditions, such as raising the monotonous feed, poor feed, cold and humid environment suddenly changes, the long-distance transportation can promote the disease incidence and prevalence. the course of the disease is usually 3~7 days.
2, prevention and control measures
is a good introduction and popular foreign mining pig farm season isolation and disinfection measures, according to the situation of swine over the years, mostly caused by inadvertent introduction or procurement of piglets in pig epidemic season, there is no good disinfection measures such as the exogenous virus spread, pig infectious gastroenteritis and epidemic diarrhea prevention depends mainly on prevention.
two is to use the infectious gastroenteritis and epidemic diarrhea two union vaccine to the boar, strengthens the resistance to this disease, starts every year 9 and october. to ensure high levels of antibody production.
three, if once the pig farm produces this disease, first must isolate to the sick pig, and strictly to the pollution environment disinfection. the sick pig stops feeding or feeding, and provides cold, warm, clean and dry environment, and gives sufficient water for cleaning, and reduces all kinds of stress as much as possible. the general symptomatic treatment, such as fluid infusion, diarrhea, acidosis and other measures, oral rehydration salts, jinwei growth peptide, jinqi virus disease kang, 500 oxytetracycline powder mixed with feed or drinking water, for 5 - 7 days (sows and piglets), secondary infection control measures.
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