autumn and winter pig farm health care program-九游会旧版

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autumn and winter pig farm health care program
add time:2012.08.23    views:531
the current swine infectious disease categories and new diseases are emerging, multipathogeny multiple infection or mixed infection increased, in order to achieve a reasonable profit in piggery, we must establish a scientific and reasonable scheme of pig health.
to formulate a reasonable scheme for pig health care, we must first understand the principles of health care medication, so as to achieve effective prevention of disease. principles of health care are as follows:
1, to choose non-toxic side effects, or toxic side effects, small, no drug resistance, no drug residue drugs.
2, to choose to regulate the body's immune function, enhance immunity of animal drugs; drugs can regulate the functions of various organs in the body of animal activities, maintain balance, relieve the immunosuppressive drugs; can effectively activate cell regeneration system.
3, we should select antiviral, anti bacterial, chlamydia, mycoplasma, leptospira, fungi and anti stress drugs.
4, the choice of neutralizing and clearing the body endotoxin function of drugs.
5, we should select the quality guarantee, high technology content of the drug.
6, we should select chinese herbal medicine with unique formula.
according to the above principles of drug use, jiangxi xin pharmaceutical for the current disease often recommended large-scale pig farm medication program:
1, according to the recommended regimen of immunosuppressive disease: jinqi virus disease resistant mycoplasma static astragalus polysaccharide extract powder.
2, the reproductive system diseases recommendation: jinqi poison disease resistant potent growth peptide jinwei lygo.
recommended health care programs for swine herds in large-scale pig farms:
health care program for piglets
1, third days postpartum, iron supplementation with blood 150, 1 ml per head, oral zhengchangsheng.
2, postpartum seventh days, injection of rice first, 0.5 milliliters per head,
3, postpartum twenty-first days, with blood 150 fill iron, each head 1 ml, injection xin meters first, each head 1 milliliters.
4, before and after weaning, each with a ton of material, high free pai toxin 200 grams antidiarrheal powder 300 grams, used for 7 days. (antidiarrheal, antiviral, reducing stress)
5, 15 days after weaning, with chong xin insect speed grams once, used for 7 days.
6, 30 days after weaning, shuanghuanglian extract powder 300 grams 500 grams static mycoplasma jingi anti virus epidemic 500 grams of material per ton for 7 days (to prevent pseudorabies, circovirus, prrs, haemophilus, mycoplasma, streptococcus and other diseases).
health care program for fattening pigs
1, 30 kg to 40 kg, with a xinyi insect net insect once for 7 days.
2, 75 kg to slaughter, feeding three disease astragalus polysaccharide extract powder, you can advance slaughter, improve the meat to meat ratio. (1 kg per ton of feed from 10 kg glucose row toxin)
3, 1000 grams per month per ton of feed radical mycoplasma jing 500 grams for 7 days with a round blue.
health care program for swine
1, reserve pigs
(1) 500 grams per ton of feed radical mycoplasma jing 500 grams double coptis extract 500 grams with blue circle (in the 3 days before mating, inhibition of virus replication, enhance immunity of sows, for 7 days).
(2) in the 14 days before mating, with a xinyi insect net insect once for 7 days.
\2, pregnant sows, boars
(1) per ton of material for blue circle radical 500 grams 500 grams potent lygo astragalus polysaccharide extract powder 500 grams or 500 grams of double coptis extract, once a month, two schemes are used interchangeably, every time a week (clear in vivo pig pathogens, purification of piggery diseases and prevention of various diseases transmitted to the fetus through the placenta).
(2) 14 days before the birth, with chong xin insect speed grams, once a worm, used for 7 days.
(3) in the prenatal 1 days (113 days) and after calving were injected into the first 10 meters hin ml to 20 ml, when used in the neck on both sides of the point injection of 5~10 ml (to prevent pig pull dysentery, prevent sow endometritis, promote the afterbirth excluded).
3, sow material per ton with a round blue radical 500 grams 500 grams potent lygo astragalus polysaccharide extract powder 500 grams (in the litter before and after the 5 days, improve sow physique, prevention of piglet diarrhea, ensure normal estrus next time).
chuang xin liu teacher
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